-Setting up-

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"Are you sure this is needed?" Adar asked, holding the heavy bin filled with different jars and containers. "You have a river just there."

"I am sure!" I said, trying to kick the rooftop door open before sighing, I've been at it for a while, I pulled my gun out and put it next to the handle, shooting through it and opening it. "Put something heavy to close it since I fucked up the lock." I said as I holstered the gun and grabbed my bin but just pushed it out.

I pulled the caulk-gun we brought along from it, cutting the end off the tube.

"We'll use this to glue down the bigger containers and the little ones will be stuck in between them so they won't fly off with the wind but you can remove them."

"But why?" He set the bin down.

"This virus travels through liquids, if there is a blockade of husks upstream we'll never know, the safest is rain water and it rains a lot here, if you want river water find a way to make fire and boil it." I said, gluing down the bin itself on the roof, my school had a ledge and a wall to keep them from flying away but this building was not meant to have people on it so there was no real ledge.

"Wow you thought of everything."

"You don't even know." I shook my head, pulling a plastic bucket from the bin and judged it big enough to glue down. "I hate the idea humanity will come back but I won't give up because of that, I will live and now I have a reason too last a bit longer."

"Jasmine huh?"

"That girl needs to learn." I looked at him. "She had a father that she grew up with who taught her camping stuff so fishing, laying traps, living in nature and other stuff but there are things she should learn before my time is up and I'll be damned if I don't make sure she survives." I held my hand out for the washbasin he was holding, gluing it down too.

"Yeah I can understand.... I wish I could have helped many." He sighed.

"Trust me I do too." I stood, waving him to follow. "You see that?" I pointed towards the school, this rooftop position let you see in the court yard but since this building was not tall you couldn't see the roof of it. "All those names there are people I met, they either died to husks, accidents or by my own hands but I don't want to forget even one of them since as surviving members of the species it is my job to remember the past. The pain never gets smaller but you grow around it so remember your lost ones so their memories never dies."

"Thanks dude." He punched my shoulder with a chuckle, squinting to try to read the names, I don't really trust them enough to let them climb in but yeah, whatever.

"Get back to work, we need to finish here to help Lucy after this, I can't imagine her having much chance getting her side done with Jasmine as her helper." That made Adar laugh and trust me, the image is fun.

They were tasked in installing blinds against the glass front of the furniture store in case a husk gets by our defenses, that's also the reason I don't plan on unlocking the School's gate anytime in the future, there is always an 'if' that can happen and I am ready for that 'if' in case it comes so that gate will remain closed and covered, here we are covering the windows in a way light can still come in but no one can look inside.

"Right, right."

We proceeded in finishing this quite fast.

I plugged the caulk with the tip I cut off for future use.

"Keep it." I gave it to him. "You two will be the ones to look out if you have enough water or not, I cannot waste the days away verifying if you'll survive and help you by pity."

"Noted captain." He did a salute.

"Stop that." I slapped his hand down. "Lets go check on the girls."

I guess I was right, tho they did get more done then I thought....

Without power-tools it was hard to work... Well they must be in stores still but the battery, it might be still working or not and I guess they didn't think of trying to find one and check so here I was looking at the scene of Lucy standing on a wobbly ladder Jasmine held on and trying one of those hand cranked drills to put a hole through the ceiling... I gotta give credit where it's due, they did make one hole already, working on the second and needing a third.

"Help us instead of watching you ass." Jasmine pouted when she noticed us observing to mess in silence.

"Amma go see if I can find a power-tool with a working battery, Adar help them." I said, heading for the door instead of going to help.

I heard Jasmine complaining as I closed the door and headed towards the bridge.

I almost thoughtlessly checked which weapon I had on me, it becoming an automatism long ago.

I yawned as I scratched my cheek.

I guess, for now, having people to talk to is good.... I hope it remains good.... It is nearing Autumn with the temperatures and the passing of time and soon that season will be upon us....

Oh Winter.... How much I hate you....

KenopsiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon