-Let There Be Light-

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(If you somehow haven't noticed until now, this is fictional and all that Andie knows relies on my own loose knowledge on all those stuff and google when I really need something and really have no basis in it but otherwise I don't use it..... I sure hope none of you work any job that has anything to do with electricity as I am aware of how I am butchering the difficulty of it but fuck it.)

Breaking the door in was not hard, everything not taken care of will break in such a world purely through the passage of time.

I shine the flashlight in. This little home almost seemed lived in, almost.

"Wow, it's been a while since we went inside a real house." Jasmine said from behind me.

"You could access them if you wished any day but yeah, it has been years... Now go back outside and wait for me."


I walked through the house, everything still how it was last left by the inhabitants I was expecting to find as the door was locked.

The smell of dust was the strongest as I walked up the creaking stairs, kicking up a small cloud of it each time I stepped. That made me pull my goggles on with a mask to not breath it in as I grabbed my bat.

I made my way down the hallway, listening but hearing nothing and letting my curiosity get the best of me, opening the doors to the rooms.

I didn't find a husk like I awaited... Or at least not in the state I expected.

The corpse wordlessly reached out to me as I looked around the room quite disconcerted since there were no other people that with husks in here. I set my flashlight on the bedside table.

I pushed its hands away as the body spun and I looked it over, my suddenly fast heartbeat freezing, no wounds.

Can't be, I checked my blood and the twins back years ago and there was clearly signs you need to be infected to change but the problem I have here is the state of the house and the corpse.... It was hanging off a noose.

What other thing struck me as weird was the normalcy of the home, like my apartment when this started, a small radio on the bedside table and discarded plastic boxes in the corner of the room that didn't even contain rot, it was so dry and dusty in here all that was left of that was dark stains on the carpet.

There is only one explanation to this tho I will still use the microscope I brought home to test a blood sample to know if it is not a case of the Walking Dead virus now but what I thing happened here is this husk is of the first infected in this town and they hung themselves to die by their own means.

That's the only thing that makes sense tho this is another thing I will never prove fully as I do not know how the outbreak started (I am working on a huge map of the timeline for this thing where there might be a little explanation without yielding the wanted answers.) and I never will.

I walked to the window and forced it open, I can't have this house rot away, it is a closed system tho I need to get this corpse out.

I swung at the arms, breaking them.

I grabbed the knocked over chair and stood it up and got on it, pulling my knife out and slicing the rope away, it looked like it was about the break anyway.

I hopped off and quite easily grabbed and shoved the husk out of the window and heard it break itself on the ground.

"Jesus!" Jasmine jumped, the thing landing not for from her, she shined her own flashlight at me. "Careful there!"

KenopsiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora