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(This will be another shorter chapter.)

"At least you didn't leave me." I pet Whiskers as I laid in the office.

I hate how she did this, I hate it, but I had pulled the same shit on my father too.

It was always these two thoughts, how I hate her for doing this and how I shouldn't because of the hypocrisy.

I just wish she'd come back soon.... It was close to a week since she disappeared from our lives.

Cody was a killjoy, when I shared my worries as small talk, for him it was clear, she'd never be coming back. That a little girl alone didn't have much of a chance no matter with her skills or not.

Adar didn't dare give his opinion on it which was clear to me, he didn't expect much either despite knowing how Jasmine was.

Only Lucy would indulge in my hope that nothing was wrong as she too liked to believe she'd be back soon.

I suddenly got up and walked out, I needed out of this place, feeling that dog plush stare at me with its button eyes, its gaze burning into me almost blaming me for its owner being gone.

I left, taking only the trusty ladle with me and I walked.

The sound of birds chirping didn't reassure me, I think I'll never be reassured, ever, to hear birds anymore after that day.

Lucy and Adar would probably never trust a dog anymore and of course no one would trust a bear, infected or not.

But that made me think, all of these animals seen, all were different but had a similar thing about them, those fleshy protrusions from their mouth... 

I shook my head, not wanting to think about that, not now.

I walked over the bridge, now that the freeze was over the mushrooms were wheeled back under the bridge where there place was for now and I had needed to tell Cody thrice to not eat them unless they were cooked as even many edible mushrooms, raw, upset the human stomach.... Forth time he thought he was smarter then me and it ended up with vomit in the river, don't tell me I didn't warn you idiot.

Currently he was trying to fish, lets see if the fish are back already and if they are, how many he can catch, we have some good none perishable stuff and with Adar tending to the future garden we will have that, plus with my plants on the roof and in the yard of the School but some meat is always good.

I chuckled softly to myself, Jasmine's traps in the sewers for rats did bring in a few and to say before the Great Silence I would have never eaten that... My bird traps also work tho rarely, they still work.

I almost find it hard to remember the me from before, who was I? What did I do? Who was my friend? I long ago killed that version of me but still... I miss her.

I walked into a sports shop, so many things that could still be used, this will need to be emptied out right away, the weapons and protection some of this gear could offer.

Why did I not do it before? Damn.... I know why but still. There is so little and so much to do to survive....

I grabbed a bat, testing it by smacking it in my palm a few times, not knowing what I was looking for but it was this one.

I set out to finally fix the bat Jasmine came in with so that she'll have a welcome gift when she gets back.

"Yeah, this is the perfect one." I said, walking back with my plan in hands.

Just please be alright.

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