-I am still alive-

47 6 3

(Sorry but shorter chapter this week.)

"Andie! Andie! Look I did it!" I looked over to the edge as Jasmine called me, watering the plants on the rooftop.

I put the watering can down and walked to the edge, leaning out over it and quickly spotting her.

"You did what?" I called down.

"Look!" I followed her as she ran over the to DIY target and turned the wooden panel so I could see it.

"You really want to learn Jesus." I muttered, I saw an arrow had hit somewhere in the little circle the size of a coin that had been drawn on it. "Keep practicing, soon you'll get every one of your shots that precise." I said, since she found that bow she was more interested in it then in learning how to shoot a gun or a rifle.

I am happy, less ammo wasted but still, it would be useful if she knew how to use one.

"I'll have to learn how to make arrows." I thought out loud as I went back to watering the plants, those in pots will soon need to be brought back inside to not die out as winter approaches. 

She uses modern arrows brought in store before this mess, they are solid but they can break so we'll need to make old style arrows too.... We have wood and chicken feathers, we just need to learn.

I finished watering the plant before putting the can down and stretching.

I still find it odd how I don't always know what they are doing, they don't live in the School so I can't keep an eye on them but I'll stifle my doubts, they do work hard to prove me my mistrust is misplaced.

I looked up towards the nearing clouds, I made sure to tell them to extend their water collection area.

If we finally move the cars off the bridge maybe us four would be able to put one of those display baths or something big into the fenced off area for more stuff, hell maybe we could somewhat drive a pickup and have water in the bed of the truck... If anyone can drive... I'd kill myself before I could get it down.

I brushed my hair over my shoulder with a sigh, how... How am I not able to still my thoughts even now? The same constant spin of things I could do and should do instead of silence.

"I guess the world it too silent for that." I said, walking back inside.

I whistled, Whiskers running up, having learned that this meant food, much simpler then yelling for him.

"Hello little man." I picked him up, his little razor-like nails grabbing on my hoodie and piercing it to hold on with such an innocent face.

I carried the idiot cat to the cafeteria and put him down as I opened a can of cat food, lucky canned food can last a long while so he'll have food for a while and anyway he gets the rest of the fish or occasionally caught bird, surprised he is not getting fat.

I watched the cat eat.... Oh how I would love to be so unbothered, living my life like nothing happened to the world, without a worry.

I leaned against the wall, but then all of this wouldn't exist.... I guess there is some good in this morbid world... No matter how small it is since, after all, I am still alive.

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