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I still felt odd about this....

I had given a fire axe to Adar so go to the park I not so creatively had named lots-a-tree park... I was there long ago, back then the trunks were not thick but I don't know if they are easy to cut down anyway, he wanted to bring like a few logs back for winter, October is already being really cold.

I had brought out my old but thick boots and wore hoodies all the time again tho I had the sleeves pushed up along with gloves, fingers easily going numb from cold now.

It was not October that made me odd, it was the knowledge that I let that man stay here and let Adar go alone.

Tho I am a hypocrite, Jasmine was with Lucy since I refuse to not have her learn the usual stuff, she are making sure she remembers all her multiplication tables currently while I was also walking around alone.

Walking with no real aim, playing with the cuffs hanging around my wrist before grabbing them, another reminding to stay with me forever for my mistake.

I was thinking of once again, maybe after winter, explore the nearby towns again but well the nearest one to the left was burnt down by me and the one north is much further and by bike it took me almost a full day to get there. (I know that distance is bullshit if she sees the town from the one she is in easily but it had been this amount of time set in the past chapters so yeah, it stays this.)

It was a risk and maybe someone else had set up a home there but who knows, maybe we'll find there what isn't here and even that we don't know, what might or might not be here.

I held my trusty bat and swung at the husks, it was a way of life now, these exist and I take them out, all my wondering about if they still feel their bodies, if they are dead, if they aren't, if they are actually blind or not, didn't matter anymore for a long time, I swung to free the bodies of past humans from the nightmare of forever wondering around and be set them free in the flames.

I was looking for that man.... Well boy but he didn't look like it.... I guess I am not as young anymore, as adult as anyone can be... I wish I had had the chance to be young a bit longer before I needed to grow into who I am today.

I ripped out a page of the block note I grabbed from the store, having ripped the plastic covering before I wrote on its page with with equally store found glue I glued the pages to the walls near the area I met him with, 'Come to the stadium to talk, I have an offer', to be sure he saw it because I really needed to talk to him if I am taking this risk of letting him stay.

I know he hates me but I was never in the right state of mind then to have thought of anything else but to chase them all away to be alone, I know this is not excuse enough but this is what I have.

I had the feeling that he'll see then, I talked to the others and we had already 'furnished' the little office in the bookstore I hid in the first weeks of this mess, the one I hide in before breaking that car to attract the husks out of the School, we prepared it for winter. We talked a lot but we thought it was still safer to have him in a known area instead of roaming around without us knowing where he is.

For that reason but not only for that alone, I had also given them more then just that fire axe, I bid goodbye too two rifles and two handguns but didn't give them more ammo then there was already loaded in them, I am not there for trusting them, tho I did let them have a crowbar and other melee stuff, I trust them enough for that and trust my own ability to pull the trigger if they become a danger to Jasmine and I.

One good thing about winter is Husks are cold corpses so they really freeze in winter but thaw out after it so winter itself it a danger not the husks tho they still can be dangerous but winter with snow, cold and ice is more predominant.

I sighed to myself, finishing to glue the last page I had in this thin block note before breaking the carton backing in half and putting it in my bag, could be used for fire.

I started walking back, swinging the bat at another husk on the way. 

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