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"It is quite surprising after four years we still can find these in relatively good shapes." Jasmine said.

"I have no idea how they did this but they rolled up these mattresses in a human high cylinder and the plastic of it didn't rip." I agreed with her as I looked at what was left of the thin plastic and the now big mattress in the office.

My office was already not a bad place but I burnt a lot of the things last time since my father died in here and probably got a baby sick.... Don't think about that Andie... Anyhow with Jasmine and the others we set out today for getting ready for winter, it is August now, it is not far away.

So the place became even more of fluff fort with not only blankets and pillows on the ground but now mattresses, two layered in certain places but around the desk it was still blanket mess, you needed to step up on the mattresses like on steps to get in, heck two on top of each other was at the same height as the couch.


"Stop playing around, help me pull the sheets on them, we need to protect and care for what we have." I said as she flopped on them.

"Fine." She sighed and did so.

With her help it was quickly done, it will be easier to stay warm this year I hope.

"Lets go help them." Jasmine said.

"That was already the plan." I followed after her. "Hey? How did you stay warm when out in the wild?"

"Good clothes and a campfire and a good tent and hot food and--" "You don't need to put 'and' after everything you say."

"And whatever."

She opened the front door, making colder wind rush in, yeah Autumn is upon us.

"Be a nice cat and behave." I pat Whiskers' head as he used this time to get back inside.

I followed Jasmine out and still needed to boost her up to get her to climb out over the wall, having replaced the inner bin with set bags of concrete too like the outside, I chose bins at the start so I could push them away for safety but since one broke and slashed my leg open I find this version much safer.

I took a small running start, pulling myself up with a small jump, sitting on it to fling my legs over and hop off.

"Wait for me you stupid girl." I said, jogging after her.

I caught up when she had already entered the building, leaving the door wide open.

There was a much smaller office in here then the School one but that was already small, this one was probably not even meant to have meetings in but it would keep the temperature high easier.

"I see you already unrolled the paradoxical mattresses." I said.

"Yeah, who knew such things fit in the package." Lucy said, holding up the plastic.

"Okay so we'll keep gathering stuff along the days, I'd advise you to cover the walls in a layer of cloth too and one over the window like a curtain would, concrete saps away heat and warm clothes too, you'll need many layers, trust me it gets cold here."

"Alright alright, noted."

"Don't forget, you can force open of apartments or houses for stuff, I wouldn't advise cars, who knows which will still start blaring with their alarms and call forth the endless army of the husks."

"That's from experience." Adar said this time.

"Trust me, I took the risk of bashing a car to make it scream to get my home secured, the carcass is passed the fence, next to the book store in front of this one." I pointed to around the area that car would be, remembering that like it was yesterday.

"That's cool."

"Sure..." Watching them work in dimness with only light from the window reminded me of something. "Now excuse me, I gotta get to something, Jass keep an eye on what he is doing while Alice please follow me."

"Right!" She laughed.

"Alright, see you Adar." Lucy waved.

It is a long shot but in the small houses that were across the bridge I saw one that had solar panels, I didn't check the others, this one had all my attention.

What I wanted to try was find as much cabling as I could to make it from the batteries to the solar panels we could ensure more energy then only the DIY small windmill farm, this way maybe we could afford to share the electricity.

"Alright what I want you to do is grab another cart and gather tape, plastic, caulk, anything else that could insulate, even with all we have for the chickens I don't feel comfortable with winter around the corner, I want to make sure it will be way more protected."

"And what will you do?" She asked as I turned on my flashlight while ducking into the store, being in the one closest to the chicken park.

"I will gather cables and any tools I might need, I have an idea that might let me do something real cool, tho a surprise." I didn't want to tell her because it might not work in the long run so I don't want her to get the wrong idea if I were to tell them it doesn't work and have them start arguing that I am too selfish to share or something.

"Oh... Alright."

So we went separate way as I hurried to get what was needed, the faster I try to sooner we'll know.

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