-Pinch Of Trust-

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I had walked to the wall of the bookstore, if they get out in the little free place they will see this.

I shook the spray-paint bottle as I looked at the little page I wrote in my mostly unused notebook, I had neglected it for a while now but I guess it would be a good idea to start having this diary going again.

I shook the spray-paint bottle as I looked at the little page I wrote in my mostly unused notebook, I had neglected it for a while now but I guess it would be a good idea to start having this diary going again

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I stepped back, no rain is brewing for the moment so it'll have time to dry and will stick for a while.

I gave a nod, touching my hair and pulling it over my shoulder, I'll be Rapunzel soon but I still don't feel like I should cut it, sure the dying of it when I messed around with that and the years passing damaged it, stained it, but that is still the hair I had before all this on the ends of it.

But I know it is a risk, the longer it gets the more chance it have to snag on things, be yanked...

"I'll think about it." I tell myself.

I look at the school wall and sigh, taking a running start and jumping, catching the top of the wall and pulling myself on it, four years ago I couldn't have been able to do this but well, daily training made it easy.

"Oy Jassy!" I yelled making her look away from water the plants as the bases of the trees.

"Who did you get there?" She asked.

"Not important, can you please pass me my work bag and my bat?.... The bolt cutter too."

"But why?" She fixed her hear.

"I want to pay a visit to cop house on the north of the city, near the big mall and soccer field."

"Can I come?"

"Not this time, if possible what I would want is for you to take all the cop stuff we have and move them in the small room next to the door, the keys to the door are in the office's drawer."

"Can I practice after instead of learning today? I am sure I can get that bow fucker mastered."

"Jassy, language."

"But you guys cuss!"

"Because we are adults, when you are grown up you can too, if you don't cuss you can skip learning and practice but inside the School walls."


She got me what I called my work bag, a backpack with many pockets and space on the side of it and it only had the essentials or at least what I thought those were for me.

That meant one magazine of ammo for my handgun, a bandage role, disinfectant, ziplock bags, masks, gloves, a bottle of water, the bolt cutter, a spare lighter and my ski goggles.

I also grabbed my bat and hopped off the wall, already having my gun and knife on me.

I walked to the furniture shop and knocked on the glass door before entering, it wasn't see through, the door got plywood taped to it and the curtains were holding.

"Well hello there!" Adar said, sitting in a couch. They had pushed the furniture around to make a more delimitated living room-like area and a dinning room area with the currently not needed ones pushed in the corner.

"Later we'll need to see winter proofing and area and linking your in the electrical system." I mostly said to myself, watching the flashlight they had around to see anything but they could pull the curtains away. "We are close to the ocean but it always snows here." I said, knowing in some places the lower in altitude you were the less likely for snow.

"Shit." You are right to worry Lucy, they had been playing something to do with cards before I came in. "This is a big area that gets cold at night." 

"Yeah, winter is no joke here, many died because of it." I shook my head with a sigh at the bitter memories. "But right now that's not why I am here. Adar, there is a place I labeled future field on the map I gave you both, could you please continue digging up the area I started? Lucy you, could you come with me? We'll go get weapons from a cop station in town." I wanted like this because I knew I had better chances against her if she tried to backstab me.

"Sure, I wanted to do something anyway." Adar said. "Have fun girls."

"And look at the rule on the wall, please."

"Will do."

I watched him go.

"Here, I'll led this to you as we still haven't gone to get your stuff from the road." I held my bat to her.

"Are you sure this is wise about being so precocious around us?" She asked, grabbing it.

"Not at all." I said with a head shake. "But I must show some humanity and try to trust."

"You won't regret it."

"I do hope so.... Come on, lets go."

(You might get a second chapter but don't count on it, just a maybe.)

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