-''I believe humanity has no right to survive!!''-

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I stepped out of the apartment with the bat lifted.

"Hey?! HEY!!" What idiot is screaming like that?! "HEY!!"

I cursed and ran down the stairs as fast as I could.

I jumped down the last set of stairs, slipping on the last stair at unneeded familiarity with seeing a gun aimed at my head, I slipped because of how hard I tried to stop and fell on my ass but the trigger was not pulled.

"Oh there is someone!" The boy I faced said casually, I already don't like him.

"You idiot don't yell! You'll draw them in."

"Whatever, so you live here? I am looking for a place to stay for a while and a partner."

"Yeah.... I live up there." I pointed up, still sitting on the stairs. "I just ran out of supplies."

"Oh don't worry I have some, get up lets go." He walked passed me, I really don't like him...

I sat in my piano chair and looked at him lounging on the couch like he owned the place.

"Well? Name?" He said, eating from his can of raviolis while he had given me a small packet of biscuits, he had many more cans but couldn't spare one... I am not blind.... He is bad news. 

"Yours first." I said, bat leaned up between my legs and resting against my thigh.

"I said name, if you want to be friends you speak first." I narrowed my eyes as I chewed the stale biscuit and swallowed, staring at him in silence.

"Jessica." I said.

"Well I am Adam, no need to worry you'll be safe with me.... How did someone like you survive?"

"I made do with what I had." I nodded my head at the corpse still in the room from that day.

"Oh fiery girl you are!"

"You could say that."

"Come on it is getting late, lets go to bed." He said, waving us both towards the door too my room.

"You take it, I'll sleep here."

"I said, to bed." I felt something poke my stomach and looked down at the gun.

"Don't you dare..."

"Oh Jessica.... You need to pay me somehow to keep you safe and you have nothing of use." He kicked my bag, I heard the plastic pot of the plant crack under the kick, a bit of dirt kicked out the top. "So you can survive with me."

"I think I'll be lea--" I took a step back but I heard the security come off.

"I am not giving you a choice, now drop the weapons, slowly."

"I knew you were trouble." I hissed and dropped the bat and ladle.

"Aren't we all? Human nature my pretty." He was still aiming his gun as he patted me down to check for more weapons, I need to find a way out of this and quick. "Now move too the room."

I did, looking around my room again as this time a barrel pressed in my back, looking for something.

"Off with it."

"Please." I turned to him. "This can still be looked over, just stop..."

"I said off with it!" he yelled, hitting the gun on my face.

I fell back on the bed, reaching for my face, seeing the red on my fingers, he split the skin with the hit.

I took a deep breath and pulled off my newest beanie and dropped it, he needs to get closer.

Kenopsiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें