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(I promised chapters on the weekends yeah but there are times I update more lol, there is a scene I really wanna write so I need to clean this hoard out of the town.)

I stood on top of the building alone, watching the blazing setting sun and the red hues in the sky on this warm day.

I watched off, warm bathing my face even with the heavy rain falling from the dark clouds above.

"WHAT DID YOU DO ANDIE?!!" I heard Jasmine slam the door to the roof open, panicked worry in her voice.

I watched on without a word.

This evening was not relaxing, my face was not calm, this warmth was not comforting.

Watching the blazing fire the extended in all ways I could see, watching it consume the previously trampled wheat and burn the husks that got separated from the hoard and still were in the field.

The smell of familiar burning flesh and burning plants reached up here with the warmth of it despite it being far away, not near touching Rain point.

And what was the most haunting of all?

"I made a mistake I do not regret." I said, watching the skyline of the town to the back of the horizon, the town I'd bike a whole day to reach, a town I barely knew, blaze along the edges and I knew that nothing would remain after the fire was done with it, blazing so hot the rain seemingly was not being anything to quell its anger.

"This is stupid!!"

"Sometimes stupid things must be done... Plants grow better in burnt ground, it is something about minerals or fertilization I am not sure but that wheat was unusable anyway, sullied by the touch of the husks."

"But... Other towns."

"What is important is ours, it is supplies lost but still, the wheat needs to go, in a few months or years maybe this will be a field of grass... Anyway have you checked on what I asked you to?"

"While you played the pyromaniac I did work, the wheat we went through hell to harvest is still dry and the box of mushrooms you have stashed under the bridge is not ready to be washed away.... And yes the chickens are using their homes."

"Good." I looked on the fire until a huge plume of fire rose between the buildings, moments later the sound of the explosion echoing in our ears, light travels faster then sound even in this world it seems.

"What the hell?!"

"That was probably a petrol station, they are still filled mostly with the stuff and even cars, we could drive them if we found the keys and I never really took the time to learn to hot-wire a car so a key it is... Do not light corpses near a station in town."

"Got it." She said in awe at the mushroom cloud of fire that was soon gone from the sight. (I.... Kinda deleted nuclear stuff from the world.... Andie's story would have ended quite fast if the world's nuclear arsenal/industries all exploded after the four years of lack of upkeep, maybe even detonating in the first weeks after the fall of humanity.)

"Tho this is the only time I am taking this risk, if I am right and I remember this region well there is a large six lane high speed road that should keep the fire from spreading outside of the part we see burning and the rain, even if it doesn't seem to be doing much, will overpower the fire once there is no more things to burn and the whole coast will not be burnt.... But it might smell of fire for a few days."

"If you are so calm I'll believe you." She nodded, standing next to me.

Even if it was on not much help I lifted my hand over her head as we watched on it silence.

(Okay so for zombie fish.... This virus is barely known and Andy-buddy cannot learn a lot about it and even in my mind it is vague, it is never meant to be explained or cured but whatever. What I know is all it needs is a host to live and will thrive on infecting others so here's the problem and such.

Body in water, shark eats body, shark infected, shark attacks anything to infect, shark bites maybe whale, whale can't really infect but dead so decomposing, organisms feeding on decay be infected, fish feeding on organisms infected, bigger fish eating infected fish, even bigger fish eat big fish.... And so on until basically marine ecosystem is just a soup of death until all rots away and the virus dies with no hosts left to keep it alive because salt water doesn't kill viruses.

And Andie can't be the only survivor with Jasmine, around the whole earth there must be  still a surprising amount of humans surviving and she can't be the only one putting dead in the water.


I discovered blood cells, the things Andy found out to be infected by the virus, shrivel up and die in salt water so even if host as rotting away is not until a husk is killed again blood does not remain so the virus could die fast depending on if fishies dared to munch.... I don't think there are sharks near Andy's place luckily, shark lacking coast... So many water is safe (yes you are witnessing the brainstorming mess which I use to write stories with.) 

So I still need to do a bit more research but I think I decided no ocean husk.... Maaaaybe one or two, a population boom and then decline, who knows, but it is way more plausible for the girls to find another husky bird then a bloody husk shark or fish... Andy still on the edge, careful but yeah.




Thanks for coming to my TED talk.)

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