-Tensed meeting-

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I lowered the rifle, looking at the beast that had died on the roof.

It looked like one of those bear pictures without any hair from before the Great Silence, it wouldn't surprise me honestly, bears attack humans if startled and husks wander around mostly silent, this bear could have been surprised and attacked, it biting the dead leading to its own infection.

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Get the fuck back inside." I didn't spare these two people a look, quickly rounding the corpse, Jasmine already bouncing after me.

"Wha-why?" She asked.

"You can't tell me the others didn't hear it, they will swarm the building and maybe get up here, even I can't take care of as many." I stepped into the stair shaft but heard groaning, more like shrieks, sounding like Type Ds, the sniffers, this is not good. "Shit! Some are already here!"

I marched to the side of the building the pointed into my town and looked down, it was a drop but there was a balcony underneath here.

"This will be easier then when I climbed down my balcony." I mused, stepping off and smacking on the balcony, my feet felt like I had done a belly flop and all that pain in my soles as I fell on my ass but I did it.

I used the but of the rifle to break in the window doors of the balcony and hit the dead that had been locked in here since the start of this mess.

I shot it before dropping the rifle.

"Jasmine, jump!" I called, holding my arms up and bracing for the pain.

"Shit!!" She yelled and pain was indeed what came, unlike me she just jumped without a plan and her body smacked into mine as she knocked us over, back smacking off the ground as her weight landed on me.

"Go inside, check the other rooms and if the door is closed, now."

"R-right." She sighed, doing so, grabbing the ladle I held out to her.

"You! Jump dammit!" I barked, getting inside. 

It took a minute before any of them did come down, hanging their bodies off the side before dropping, bad plan since they scratched their skin on the stone walls.

"It is all clean." Jasmine held my weapon too me as I had picked the rifle up.

"Thanks." I said. "So...." I turned to the people.

First was a dark skinned man that looked around my age but I knew I was always bad at estimating ages, he had heavy biker boots, black jeans, a leather jacket and a red bandanna around his short hair, dark eyes.

The second was a woman, also on the similar age looking spectrum, her hair was also shorter then mine or Jasmine's, chin length oak hair with the parting of the hair been on the left side, her eyes a sandy brown and slightly shorter then the man who I could look into his eyes without needing to tilt my head around. She wore sport shoes, also jeans and a simple T-shirt which with this wind was not the best choice and she did look cold.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, grip steady on my rifle since despite them discarding most their possessions in the stressful chance he was still holding on his gun and I didn't know if he still had bullets, Jasmine hiding behind me partially.

"Oh my god thank yo--" "I asked you a question." The girl started before I cut her off, probably trying to give me a hug or something but I pointed my rifle at her.

"Drop your weapon." Jasmine said, still not knowing much about aiming but she pulled my gun out and aimed it at the man who had pointed his at me.

"Don't start anything." I eyed him without lowering my weapon as the stress seemed to catch up to the girl and tears spilt down her face. "If there is bloodshed to be had it is us that will survive." It was Jasmine, the only one not in the line of fire. "So drop the weapon."

He slowly lowered his arm and so did I, quickly holstering the gun Jasmine pulled out too.

It was tense, really tense, I hate it.

"So form the start, who are you?"

"The names Adar." He said, voice meeker then I thought but honestly I don't blame him in this situation.

My hands tensed around the rifle and I itched to put a hole through his head.

"HEY!!!" Jasmine exclaimed, grabbing on the barrel as I tried lifting it, keeping it down. "No shooting each other!! We agreed to lowering arms just now!!"

"Sorry." She told her, taking a deep breath. "Sorry." I repeated to him. "Your name reminded me of someone." I hissed, remembering the boy that made me hate humanity's chances of surviving this. "And yours?"

"She's Lucy, try to be a bit nicer, she just lost someone." Adar said, grasping her shoulders as she cried.

"We all lost people in the past four years, get over it, they were basically dead already." I said, not letting me feel sympathy, I don't trust them.

"How can you say that?!"

"Look I could have left you to die instead on endangering us both so be glad I helped! Because I sure didn't want too, it was Jasmine." I nodded towards her. "So be grateful."

I felt a strong punch to the face, not having been expecting, falling back on the coffee table behind me.

"LUCY/ANDIE!!!" Came two screams.


I rubbed my jaw as it stung but didn't stand or raise my weapon, holding my hand up to stop Jasmine from doing anything rash.

I leaned forwards, hand crossed.

"She was as good as dead, I only cut her suffering short." Looked at her in the eyes. "None of you would have survived lugging a corpse behind you."


"People die more then they live in this world Lucy." I hissed her name. "You should have learnt that in four years, nothing is forever." I stood up. "Now, this is the world of the selfish, each time you think of others there is a risk to your survival. People will die but you be selfish and live on, even if you don't want to since that's the human spirit even if we should just die out, humanity always fight back so do fight to live and remember, remember all those that died because when you die, no one is left to remember them."

I sighed, grabbing the rifle near my feet.

"We'll stay here for at least 24 hours to be sure the hoard left and then pick of the stranglers, if you don't want you that's up to you but if you want to stay in Rainpoint you follow my rules, they have been working for four years and will for many more." I turned away from them. "Come on Jasmine, lets go."

"Euh oh right!" She followed me as I looked behind a door, finding a bedroom, closing it after she came inside after me.

I pulled a chair over and stuck it under the handle so it couldn't be opened and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Rest up, that was a lot." I told her.


I felt the bed dip behind me as she climbed on it and laid there in silence.

I watched the door in silence.

Still doubting if we could trust them.

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