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"Andie?" I blinked out of my memories. "Are you alright?"

I sighed, turning my gaze away.

"I'm fine." I said, turning back to my work which currently was soldering away at digging up the patches of grass in what I still call Tall park as I finally decided to get the digging of it up underway.

It had a hip height level railing around the outside so it wouldn't be as good to hold out against husks as the chicken coop but it was good enough  against type A and B maybe C, type D sniffers are the taller ones after all, the ones that can fucking jump.

For now food is enough but if I will become willing to let others stay.... Just a few... I need more of it since even now there are times I'd wish for more.

I already made a little pile of grass carped on the gravel road, the grass roots holding the dirt so tightly is created paving tiles of pure grass, plants are already taking over the city four years in, shouldn't be of much use but I'll think of something... Maybe transforming the school yarn into a lawn if I really wanna do something.

Why was I even distracted again? Ah yes. Jasmine, the child she is, climbed on the metallic twists of pipes in the play area making me remember doing the same.

I sighed, leaning on the handle of the shovel, still remembering my hopes of seeing Hope grow up and play here with his mother, my father and I and still remembering how I lost it all.... The grief seems so far and still for much in the forefront of my life, as if no time had actually passed since

"Are you sure? I can help you."

"Yon complain when you gotta work but get bored when you don't need to, decide what you'll feel like for once and for all brat."

"I ain't no brat!" She pointed at me before karmic wind blew her blonde hair in her mouth making her sputter and swat at it.

"Do you want to cut it?" I asked, having seen her fight with it each time she didn't tie her hair up like today, it was amusing none the less.


"Your hair, wanna cut it shorter?" (Creator of Jasmine I call for your help, you'll see the answer I'll have her give in the following part of the dialogue but do YOU think she'll say yes? I have a possible scene for a 'yes' answer but it can be 'no'.)

"Do you?" She sassed back.

"I was just asking." I huffed. "And I keep my hair tied up and, or, braided most of the time, it doesn't get in my way like it does for you.... And I told you, you don't need to sit around if you would just be bored, this is the Great Silence of the world, no laws and obligations  keep you tied to my words."

 She shot me a look, both knowing I was a be wrong here... The amount of times I reminded her she needed to listen to me or I'd kick her out of my home.

"Anyway, I like being with you." She shrugged, leaning back and, like I did as a child, hung off a metal pipe with the bar stuck behind the bend of her knees and hanging just by her legs.

I watched for a while before I let go of the shovel still stabbed in the unearthed dirt and walked over.

I reached out and drove my fingers in between her ribs.

I threw my arms around her as she laughed and unhooked her legs from the bar while kicking out. My face smacked a bar in front of it as I was jerked forwards.

"What was that for?!" She laughed still but more because of the slight shock of almost falling. She grabbed a bar and pulled up a bit, I let go and she swung a bit but legs smacking in another bar. "Ouch.." She fell in a dramatic heap on the ground, rubbing her sore legs.

"You are ticklish." I answered, arms crossed, my cheek will bruise but her legs too. "Your fault you revealed that."

"Who is it my fault you tried tickling me???" I just shrugged. "You are so odd."

"odd is what makes us human, come on, up you stand." I helped pull her up despite the metal between us.

"Thanks but really, why?"

"I don't know, just felt like it was the right thing to do, you WERE bored."

"Andie....." She pouted before grinning. "Did you hear the story of the claustrophobic astronaut?"

"I am leaving." I turned and walked away.

"He just needed some space!" She called after me as I grabbed the shovel.

"I don't hear you!"

"You will!"

(So just a heads up :) In a soon to come scene the pov will switch for the sake of drama, I will warn you but since I kept Andie's appearance as a Y/N character's would be, meaning imagined by the reader for the most part, this would mean that that other character which will have the pov will see her and for them it will not be a detail-less character.... All I was wondering was that would you be interested in seeing a picrew (picture made using internet character creator) of my headcanon for our girl? I will minimize all descriptions of her even in the other pov yes but yeah... You know lol, wondering...

And yeah it will only be for one chapter, one chapter that will remind you that Andie might have stopped fearing the husk, they are still a fucking terrifying predatory creature that, outside of this story, are called zombies. (funfact: Feels odd to call them zombies because they are not exactly the typical zombies)

Yes I know I rant but deal with it, I am the author and you want me to write this story and convinced my to have an actual upload scheduled for it lol so you'll get rant all I want... But really, wanna see my headcanon or is it too much of a danger to your own? because what do we actually know of her? Hair length, clothes, scars and gender with sexuality basically, she could be a black woman to some or Asian or white ass cracker bitch to others lol.... I'll just stop typing and upload, maybe you'll get another chapter if I just shut up here and write lol.)

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