-The fabled chickens-

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I took a step back and lifted my gun as the door opened.

"What the hell?" I whispered as I stared at the wrinkled and sagging skin.

But unlike what I expected it wasn't stretched over a long dead body.

"Oh it's been a while since I had a visitor." The old man said. "Do come in young lady."

I never thought I'd ever see someone old in my life again, life expectancy kind of went down from ninety to a few years for many, I think of myself as lucky for being here after four years.

I didn't move for a while.

"Come on young lady, nightfall is near, the pests will have an easier time hearing you."

I put my gun away, he didn't react hostilely so I won't shoot.....

I narrowed my eyes, that previous thought.... Ah, I am such an asshole, that unnamed woman.... Those kids... God....

I swallowed my worry, deciding to trust a little.

The inside of the little house was surprisingly normal.

"Come, it is almost dinner time." He pushed me in more and locked the door, looking out the peeping hole. "Good you were not followed."

"How.... Did you make it?" I couldn't help but ask, hand discreetly resting on the handle of my knife.

"Oh it is easy actually! My nephews were here to help me and my wife." He said with the biggest of smiles that disappeared into his grey mustache. "They lead the zombies away, my wife and I always lived on this little farm so we tended to the animals as they protected us."

"And where are they?" I asked, looking around, awaiting being jumped and tied down, I feel off but why wouldn't it? I am with an old man that is alive, I am faced with a miracle.

"Oh dear, the poor boys got scratched, one brought his brother away and never saw either." I felt a tingle over my own scratch scar, not bringing it up or I might break this man's heart, to know his nephews might have survived if the wound was like mine.

"I am sorry." He nodded.

"So dear what is your name?"

"An-- Jessica." I can't get too close, I can't get close at all, I'll talk with this man and leave, I can't have human connection.... I don't want to lose them.... I don't want too.... A name not my own will keep it from feeling personal....

"Well Jessica do please sit on the couch and spare this old man a bit of company, I've been alone for so long."

I laid on the couch in the dark, an old crochet-ed blanket draped over me, it was small, from my chest to my knees with nothing other covered.

I stared at the ceiling I was not seeing.

It felt so odd to have a full stomach, to not have the barest of hunger there.

It felt so odd to be here, sleeping in someone else's base.

It felt so odd to relate to someone again.

I closed my eyes.

Next morning Ed, the old man, didn't let me leave.

"Not without a gift." Was was he said so I followed him to the backyard.

"Oh my, hello there." I waved like a kid would at the chickens in the coop built on a little wooden cart, I saw three chickens, a roster was walking free in the backyard, screaming but it was silent, I think its vocal cords must be shot.

"I had a cow once." I heard Ed's sad voice as I crouched near the small coop, usually it was much bigger but I guess it was for safety, on this little cart even Ed should be able to pull it around.

I looked away from the chickens that I was awed by and turned to the creaking noise, seeing him pump a hand cranked pump to fill a bucket and then carry it closer with some difficulty because he was using a cane to walk.

I watched in silence as he tipped the water in the little bowls I saw glued down in the coop.

"Amazing... I have two fish and a cat home." I said.

"I bet you love them very much, I love these ladies too... Now let me make you an omelette, I bet you haven't had one in a long time."

So now I was sitting and watching an old man light a fire with wheat and his stock of logs and hang a metal grill over it and make an omelette in a pan.

I was so in awe when I got my plate that the rooster got a nibble in before I yanked it away from it.

I watched him crush the shells and threw them in the coop.

"Why did you do that?"

"With the eggs? Well chickens will eat everything plus it is a good source of calcium for them, they will eat a cracked egg too you know?"

"I suspected as much from what I know about chickens." I finished. "But I really should get going."

"Oh right I didn't want to keep you for too long, please do visit more."

"Sure, see you."

"Bye Jessica."

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