-Fishy nightmare-

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I carefully tied latched the trap and let go.

It was a simple mouse trap but I put it on the rooftop with a bit of tape to hold it down, a piece of cracker on it.

Any sort of hungry birds should come down and when they peck down it should unlatch and slam the metal down, birds have softer bones then mouses and the stronger sprigged ones would break mouse neck so it most likely would work.

I walked away and closed the door behind Whiskers, hopping that seeing no one will draw birds in.

"You stay here, I am going out, look after the fish and don't eat them." I said to him while petting his head.

I took my baseball bat with me this time, it was not heavy anymore but I still held the middle of it and did bicep curls with it, after a while my arm will get tired and then it will feel heavy so it is good training.

I walked across the bridge to the nearest mall and slipped in, the metal curtains forever half closed on it so it was constant crouches, maybe I should find a way to prop it up, I feel like I've been needing to get lower each time to get in.

I walked to the fishing section.

"I should find something." 

I didn't know at all what I was looking for so I grabbed the fishing rod that seemed the nicest with a higher price, the high price must mean a good quality right?

I grabbed what was called a fishing-kit and there were a few things I could name in it from basic movies when someone was fishing, the lure, the fishhook and a spare reel but there were differences between each thing and I didn't know the reason.

I closed it and still took it.

I even grabbed the fishing for dummies guide book nearby.

"Come on!" I grumbled, having trouble threading the reel in and tying the weights, lure and fishhook on it like the drawing showed.

I need to learn to get myself food and not rely on malls, they won't hold out for eternity.

I took a deep breath when things were finally staying it place when I giggled the line around in the air.

I closed the kit and scaled down the edge of the river bank to the concrete at the edge of it and stood on it.

"Come on like in the movies, mind your fingers, those stupid survival documentaries must be fucking useful once in a while." I stabbed a small piece of my breakfast, a really dried blueberry from a dried snacks pack, on the fishhook and lifted the rod up and swung.

I watched with slight disappointment that the line sank, reeling it in again.

"What did I forget?" I scratched my head. "Ah! That floaty thing!" I groaned, dropping the rod and climbing back to my kit and grabbing what I think is what I need, climbing back down and starting the whole mess of putting this together.

My second throw of the rod yielded a bit more hope for my future as a fisherman as it floated.... But only two meters from me, I tried twice more and I am unable to cast the line further then that but I guess it requires training.... Fuck training.

I sat down and held the rod, people say they feel the pull of hear the reel unwind so I just gotta wait, I saw people fishing once in a while when the world was normal so now that I am alone I think I'll manage.

I pulled out my charged phone.... Damn dad.... Thanks....

I clicked my never to be updated downloaded playlist I had to at least hear something.

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