-Fucked Up Priorities-

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I leaned against a building with my shoulder, not wanting to hurt my plant...

I scoffed and swung the bat.

"Fifty-one." I muttered as the husk crumpled down. "I don't need protection."

I walked away, not caring for the cold.

I kicked in a small repair shop's door and grabbed the first electronic thing I could find and check if it would turn on.

I found one of those Bluetooth radios with half a charge and grabbed it with the phone that turned on, I pulled the sim card out so no code was needed.

I put Bluetooth on as I slid the small radio in the side of my bag and clicked the phone's playlist and pressed it, as loud as I could, not caring it will attract things.

I hummed along to it, walking down the streets, humanity doesn't deserve a second chance for people like this.

I walked aimlessly, heck I was walking right and past the big hospital I previously ignored.

I spun my bat and clogged another husk in the head.


I shook my head, walking more.

 "I don't need anyone!! I am fine alone!!" I screamed to no one. "I'll survive alone!!"

I kicked a husk that had its legs already in a bad condition before stomping the brains out with my heels.

What if blood splatters on me.... It's not like I care, humanity should perish, we don't deserve this earth! And yet I still put on a mask even if the next thing I did was punch a husk in the face, tears spilling over. "I should have never met you!!!" I yelled but of course it was not this bastard Adam.

I tsked and kicked that one too.


I kicked in a liquor stores door, walking around the tables, picking up a left behind hand bag, emptying it on the floor and putting bottles of alcohol in it before leaving, slamming the door around a husk's head.


I grabbed my bat I left on the floor outside and slipped it between my bag and back, holding nothing but the hand bag.

I put a hand down, it coming in contact with a husk and shoved it away, try to be faster and you could bite me, hurry up!!

I walked back to the school, climbing up over the brick wall and dropped inside.

I dropped my bag and sat on the step of the school.

My knees apart and bent up, arms out and resting on them as I listened to the hoard pulled close by the music, watching the rope and all I put on the gate strain but refuse to break.

"Dammit." I grabbed a bottle and looked at it. "Jack Daniels... Thanks Jack, needed this." I took a swig.


"YOu!" Andie yelled at the gate, stumbling, bottle in had. "You WIll nEVEr get in HERE fuckers!" She hick-upped and giggled.

"I will survive!!" She spun on herself, long not feeling the cold, having emptied a good few bottles. "Alone!!!"

She laughed again past the dried tear streaks.

I picked up her makeshift spear and even drunk the type D. husks were stupid, impaling themselves.

"Stupid I need no one to kill you I can beat you alONE!!" She dropped the spear and fell on her back, not feeling the pain as she laughed and took a swing of her bottle.

The music at max.

The hoard's groans.

The silence of the world.

And the last straw broken for her.

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