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"It's hurts!"

"Stop complaining."

I was currently crouching near the river, having dragged her there and was trying to, while using my sleeve as a wash cloth, rubbing the feathers off her face.

"It is also cold!"

"You caused this you ass of a child." I said, throwing a handful of feathers into the river, god the sun is rising, you stole my sleep child so behave!

She pouted but let me work away, I gotta admit I was being rough, rubbing her face red with my wet sleeve but what can I do? She put some glue on it and it won't come off otherwise.

"Your clothes cannot be saved unless you want to remain glued into them which I don't advise so after this we are getting new ones."

"You are seriously taking me shopping?" Oh sarcasm, my age old enemy and friend.

"Child if you won't stop stabbing my already bleeding to death patience with your jabs for words I swear to god you will be making friends with the fish in a few moments."

"Sheeesh the temper." She rolled her eyes but shut up, sitting crisscross and holding on her ankles with her hands.

I sighed, working away on the feathers she got in her hair.

"I will need to get acetone, the strong thing to dissolve nail polish glue to get these out of your hair unless you want me to cut it out but you'll have a buzz cut."

"No don't touch my hair!" She grabbed her head.

"Alright fine, now up." I pulled her up as I stood. "Time for acetone and clothes shopping."


I had pushed the chickens in my stepping bin to keep them safe in case a husk heard them, it is a flimsy cage.

I walked ahead and towards the bridge.

Luckily the smarty-pants kept her mouth shut about the grave-markers even if I knew it was hard to not notice.

"So you live here alone?" Tho that question had tied back to the grave marks she didn't outright ask which I was glad for.

"Yes, the better part of this mess I spent alone."

"How cool, you must be cool to have all this alone, you are like a mayor!"

"I am not a mayor." I glanced back at her. "Tho I am the owner of this place I now called Rain-point."

"Cool cool, and what's your name? I'm Jasmine Collins tho I don't think last names matter anymore so Jasmine is just fine.... Or Jass.... Whatever you like really."

"You are such a chatter box." I sighed, keep walking Andie, you'll get to the shop sooner of later.... Sooner or later.... "But I guess I'm... Andie Lokovis."

"Nice name! My father was Aiden! Similar names!" How peppy can she be?!

"You better not make me your mother." I pointed over my shoulder accusingly. "I will not be looking after you, I will not be working for you, I will not be fighting for you, you might be around but you do things that get in my way and I get rid of you."

"Okay okay.... You are a mean lady." Another pout.

"In this world? I'd laugh if I was any different.... Come on, duck in there." I pointed to the mall with the metal shutters half closed with my bat still on me. "After we done with what we came to do we'll pick up your other stuff and go home since you refuse to leave me alone."

"Ay ay captain."

It.... Was a long morning.... But we were done.

"Hey hey hey want a joke?"


"What did the fish say when it swam into a wall?" She asked.

I stopped walking and glared back only to see her lean over the side of the bridge and star down.

I looked over to see her staring at a few fish in the river.

"Don't fall in or you'll get wet." She was smaller then me and the bridge was not that high so even if she fell she wouldn't hit the bottom of the riverbed unlike I since it was probably to my hips maybe a bit higher at the deepest point.

I didn't want to go through her trying on hundreds of clothes again, she can do that alone another time but I just want to take a nap, I haven't slept since I awoke in that house with her and my hand is being a pain.

She already had a hard time picking out the clothes I am carrying in a tote bag and the ones she is wearing that if these get wet I feel hell brewing, she had picked out some new sport shoes.... Well as new as four year old shoes can be, some bright red sweatpants and a dark green T-shirt with Harvard written on it, she also picked out a dark blue fluffy hoodie.... I thought I had no fashion sense but damn girl you make me seem like a model. 

She looked at me with a deadpan face making me sigh, she makes me do that a lot....

"What? What did the fish say?" I asked making a huge smile appear on her face, so big I thought it would tear her face open.





"I am leaving."

"Oh come on that was good!"

"I. Am. Leaving!"

"Andie! What do you call a fish with no eyes?!"

"I am not answering and stop following me!"

"A fsh!"


"Andie slow down!!!"

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