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(This might not seem important to you but should I get her a haircut? It is like butt-length while tied up and braided, it could be a high risk, she knows it too but you and Andie know why she doesn't cut it.... So you think I should? I have a scene for it.)

I had ripped the page out of my notebook and taped it to the door of the room where all the guns were in this morning, I took the time to sort everything out so it was easier, the list was a complete inventory of it so if something happened we knew how much was left.

I currently we all were working on my newest least important worry: Moving the wheat we took a lot of time to gather with Jasmine into the building that was right in front of the school, it was just a small newspaper shop but the foundation was elevated compared to most buildings and it was near.

The most annoying? Well it was also good but anyway, they had all but dried out since we put them in there so we didn't take the whole thing.

I was currently carrying two buckets filled with the top of the wheat strands: the husks and grains.

I left Lucy with Jasmine to cut them off as Adar and I were stronger, or so I think, since we needed to lift the buckets over the fencing walls we made and to the little building where anything that could hold things were repurposed in the most DIY of DIWhy's of holders, from cups of four years coffee to pencil holders to the paper crates, just wheat, wheat everywhere.

"I think our next should be the last." He said.

"for the edible part, we'll also carry the rest back sometime, good for fire." I purred the bucket out in the dried out office aquarium. 

"Oh Jesus." I heard his sigh. "Any way, I finished the little parcel of the park you wanted to dig up but I was wondering why? You have huge empty fields outside of town, use those."

"Those don't have walls surrounding them, husks can rub up against and then we'll eat them, the plants not the husks I mean, and infect ourselves." I walked out passed him.

"Damn... You thought of everything."

"I needed too." I said with a sigh. "There is too much to think about."

"Yeah, I get you. Before all this it was all so simple."

"Mhm, you went to the shop and you got a loaf of bread.... Now I got to think of where to store wheat, where to grow it, how the grow it, when to plant it, how to make the bread, how to cook it, where to find fire fuel.... It is just a whole load of what if's" I climbed over the fencing.

"True but bread is easy to make no? It would be bland but just wheat and water is enough, maybe you can look around in stores and find yeast that is taking over an aisle but is still yeast."

"Needs sugar and salt."

"Well those can't rot so yeah.... Or we just don't take risks and we make sourdough stuff"

"Sure." I shrugged. "If it is not dangerous."

"Sourdough is naturally leavened bread, which means it doesn't use commercial yeast to rise. Instead, it uses a 'starter' , a fermented flour and water mixture that contains wild yeast and good bacteria to rise. This also produces the tangy flavor and slightly chewy texture you'll find in sourdough breads."

"Sure.... Are you done there?" I asked the girls.

"Yeah, nothing it left!" Jasmine gave me the thumbs up.

"Good, well everyone grab a stack to bring back, it is good fuel."

"Oh come on."

"Don't complain Jass, get to carrying or you'll sleep in the streets."

"No fair." She complained but did so.

"Faster you start it faster it is done." Lucy told her.

If only you hadn't left me... This is the world you could have lived in... I will never understand why you killed yourself... Never.

"Lets hurry." I said with a sigh. "The days are short enough as it is, at max we have two months to get ready for winter and that might seem long but trust me, nothing is."

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