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I sighed, outside under the rain

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I sighed, outside under the rain.

Currently Jasmine was inside, doing the work I gave her, history might not seem useful but still, humanity must not forget where they came from so fast because the world ended.

Lucy had left to feed the chickens before the rain would get worst.

Adar was on a run for more food, there is a lot of none perishables and cans left in this town and world, we have a shit tone of malls too to explore, the biggest one where Jasmine almost died was something truly huge so yeah, we have resources to sift through still.

I was cleaning up the husks, it was hard to have a fire going in such a storm so I'd kill those I could find around the secure perimeter and throw them in the river, ignoring my nagging fear of a husk soup in the ocean coming to bite my ass. 

My biggest worry is still the river being infected since that is drinkable water so yeah, I keep making tee of it if I even use that or the liquid to scoop up and to dump what needs disinfection in because of the disinfectant or alcohol dumped in it.

Like always, I wore my ski goggles and mask along with plastic gloves since I needed to touch the corpses to drag them and drop them in the water.

If I do a big spring clean now, when all would freeze there would be less husks and less to defrost in the warmer months so we can start with a bit less fear.... Then again, if we don't have a freeze it will mean a milder winter but also husks around 24/7, at least in winter you only need to think of surviving that because the husks are frozen.

I was sweating despite the cold, it was hard work, the endless flow of the dead in and out, lucky me the largest group was only of ten type As and Bs tho it is still a worry as I said before, the hoards and just going to get larger as time goes.

I pushed the husk up on the bridge railing and flipped it over it, watching the splash of water it made as I leaned on a car.... I should really get to moving these a bit, the amount we have is not enough, I want the cars off the bridge and replace them with those metal fences we have around our homes.

I looked down, amused, at the ladle in my hand and how it was still a really good weapon to use despite the equipment I now had.

I still sighed, looking up at the rain clouds while shielding my face, whoever wrote that characters can stare up wide eyed while it rains... That is bullshit.

Maybe one day I'll stop surviving and start living again.... But I guess that's still far away.

I looked down and spun, spotting a figure so my head snapped back.

"Oh it's you, I thought you were a husk." I sighed, dropping my automatically lifted hand.

"Yeah yeah, might as well be." The boy said.

"So you decided to accept? We never know, this year it might only rain, humans did fuck up with global warming and all, it will not go away after four years of hell."

"I am not that much of an idiot of course I accepted, I want to be sure I live but I still don't trust you."

"I don't ask that much of you, I don't even trust my current group fully, not after what happened to me, the events that caused me to shoot at you guys and more, my trust has been shattered so many times, whatever is left of it is extremely skittish."

"Yeah sure, show me my home with you, I am drenched."

"First your name, it is polite to introduce yourself when meeting people."

"Cody." He spat, looking like he didn't want to accept my offer but he still did in the end, both of us knowing this was the better choice to make currently.

"Name's Andie." I said, waving at him to follow as I walked away, back towards home. "You'll get to meet an Adar, Lucy and Jasmine and I promise if you hurt any of them I will finish what I tried to do that day and put a bullet through your skull."

"Dully noted."

"Good, in that case, welcome to your home from now on until your death Cody."

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