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I closed my newly gotten notebook with a sigh after distracting myself with scribbling small cats on the corner of the page

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I closed my newly gotten notebook with a sigh after distracting myself with scribbling small cats on the corner of the page.... My school canceler said it would be a good idea to keep a diary with my thoughts as it eased worry about the coming exams... Now I am using it to ease my mounting worry about the situation outside.

I checked my phone that was next to me but no messages or replies came to those I sent.

I sighed, brushing my hand through my short hair.

I looked towards the closed blinds and then towards the door which had a piano I pushed in front of it with some difficulty.

I stood up and walked to the fridge, this was an apartment I rented to be closer to the school I was going too and now I am stuck in here, on the sixth floor.

I sighed, closing the fridge.... Milk, butter and three strawberry yogurts.... I won't last long on that.

I turned the radio off as I grabbed my backpack and put all the school stuff I had on the dinning table so that it was empty.

My hand was trembling as I filled my bottle of water and put it in it, having a bad feeling about this....

"Don't be a pussy come on!" I slapped my face gently but it didn't help, I didn't even dare to open my blinds so that says a lot....

I was wearing some blue jeans and a loose white T-shirt but it might get cold outside so I pulled on a black hoodie and zipped it up.

"Maybe it was from the virus?" I said, remembering the Corona was on the move so I grabbed my blue face mask, maybe there was a huge spike in it which was highly dangerous, viruses can mutate after all.

I also fished out my old ski goggles and put them off, Corona can infest you through droplets of water and if someone coughs in my face I could catch it.

I tied my ankle high green boots tightly, looping the long laces around my ankle before doing the knot.

I put my wallet in my bag and disinfectant too while putting on disposable gloves too, I am not catching this shit.

I put my small pepper spray in my pocket like always, my.... Dad.... Insisted I always had it so now it felt wrong leaving without it.

"Fuck." I hissed as it was not easier to push the piano back in its place then it was to push it in front of the door.

I unlocked the front door slowly.

I looked out in the empty halls, at the up going stairs and down, the stair case spiraling around the center elevator.

I clicked the elevator button and waited.

It dinged.

The door opened.

"Arga!!" A man screamed in my face, shoving out of it and swinging his arm.

"FUCK!!" I yelled, backing up as he fell out of it, grabbing the pepper spray.

I sprayed him in the face but he kept coming.

I backed away and fumbled to open my door and slam it close behind me and locked it.

I heard mumbled moans before he started hitting the door with his fist.

"W-What the hell?" I asked, how was he not hurt?

I walked to the window-door and opened it, I had parkour as a somewhat hobby so I could climb down the balconies to avoid the man until he calms down and leaves.

I stepped out on the balcony but shock took over my body before I could think of climbing down.

In the streets I saw shambling people, many heavily bleeding, maybe even missing a limb, some seeming to be torn to pieces by dogs.

I saw a boy my age creep around behind cars with a baseball bat.

"HEY!!" I called down, wanting to know if he knew what this all was.

He looked up but I saw the weird people do so and approach.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I yelled as he waved with a scared face, doing a ssh sign over his mouth but- I gasped and covered my mouth when one of these people grabbed him by the shoulder and bit full force into his neck.

I was frozen, stuck watching the scene as more of these people piled onto him, drawn in with his screams of agony.

I fell to my knees, watching through the bars of the railing as his screams ended soon.

It took a while for the people to be distracted and to wander away, leaving the mangled body behind.

If horror was not enough now terror also gripped at me as I saw the body twitch before it sat up, got to its feet and shambled away with the rest.

I looked towards my door where the man was still banging.... No.... That is not a man.

"Zombies..." I breathed out, just terrified of what I witnessed and what almost became of me if that corpse caught me.

Guilt slapped me full force and I couldn't help the tears that spilt free.... I killed him.... I brought them to him.... I did...

"O-oh my god." My voice trembled as I cried and cried, having seen so much in so little, overwhelming me.

Just what happened to the world?

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