-visiting right revoked-

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I cleaned up.

I made my bloody prints vanish and the blood pooling out from underneath the door and left after an awkward goodbye when Ed woke up.

I couldn't help but think about it as I was resetting my now multiple mouse traps on the roof of the school as they triggered but this time the birds got away, it is not a 100% success rate after all.

I don't know what to do with what I saw.

Many thoughts on what it could be.

What is he feeding that dog? Is it infected with the virus like that bird I killed? Is it even a dog?

I shook my head... I should just go and forget about it, I can't meet with him again.

But again it might be someone that's hurt and I could help, he is talking to it so nicely, maybe he just don't want to show his troubles? He always declines help for pumping water or anything even if it seems hard on him.

I sighed, scratching my chin, I'll go back but prepare more.

This time I walked there as I was holding the rifle and it didn't have that hang around the shoulder sling type of band on it so I couldn't bike while holding it, knife and gun still where they were.

I shot two husks on the road, usually I rode around them, not taking time to get off my bike but I was one foot so time for a bit of cleanup.


I couldn't burn them, too dangerous with all the wheat and this could be my food for a while after I take the grain and grind it down to make flour, after all, water, salt, flour equals bread, maybe not the best but still.

He taught me that... I hope I can ease my worries.

"I'll need to bring you back to Rain-point to burn you." I promised the husk corpses as I walked away, approaching the tunnel of wheat, feeling like a ball was in my throat.

No think of bread, you need to stay relaxed, think of something else you are worrying for nothing.... I could use the bricks from a construction site on the lower right of town and more cement mix and water to build up a little kiln.... If that's what its called.

All I know about bread and pottery is they need an oven or a kiln to bake them, I have a vague image of a kiln in mind so what if I made one? I could use wood or other things to burn in there and maybe make bread.

Talking about pottery I could make my own things, there must by clay in the malls somewhere plus the river bed that opens into the ocean was said to be clayey in nature and--House.

My thoughts were cut off when I saw the house and no matter how much I was trying to not think about it, it was almost like I could feel the blood on my sole again, taunting me with knowing it was there before, almost feeling the blood seep into the fabric again.

"Dear you are quiet today."

"Ah sorry, just.... Tired."

"You can take a nap dear."

I didn't want to but I agreed when I had an idea.

So I was laying on the couch moments after the little conversation and turned towards the backrest, eyes open but not visible because of my hair in the way.

I was carefully listening, biding my time to move, I knew as an old man he would go sit out in his rocking chair on the back patio and usually snooze off.

I moved when I heard the backdoor close, he would not come back inside for a while.

I tiptoed to the closed door and stuck my ear to it but heard nothing, I knocked but got only a few scratches back before they soon stopped.

I was looking around the door frame, trying to see anything off with it but no.

I needed to find the keys, I can't let this slid.

I snuck quietly through the kitchen and all the rooms I had access to and I took my time but never found any keys.

It was only when he came back inside hours later that I noticed that I might know where the key is.

He was always wearing a necklace, saying his wife had given it to him, and that it was always mostly hidden under his shirt.

So I just swallowed my disappointment and waited for the night.

It felt wrong, sneaking into the room of a sleeping old man.

I unclipped the necklace with shaking hand.

I carefully lifted it off and hurried out in silence.

I took a deep breath as I closed the door behind myself and stared at the key.

I could barely see as this was a darker night.

I went down the stairs and fumbled my way to the kitchen and lit a candle he had around with my lighter I always had on me and held the white candle's glass case tightly.

"Come on." I sighed, hesitating, not really wanting to know the truth but still opened.

I covered my nose at the stench but frowned for a different reason, I knew this smell, it has been with me for the last four years.

My eyes were wide at the scene.

I gasped as the candle slipped through my fingers and I reached after it but instead of grabbing it I only ended up slapping it into the ground.

Well.... Seeing a husk chained to the wall does that to people.

"Oh my god." I whispered in shock, still seeing at the candle, despite the glass casing breaking was still standing and lighting the room.

It was an A type, the plain and normal husk, looking the most human our of them all, and there was a chain usually tough dudes used to chain up their dogs around the husk's neck making its head tilt to the side from its weight.

What horrified me the most was not exactly the husk, I had also thought of capturing one and restrain it to observe it and learn a bit more.... What was disturbing it this dead woman was matching the dead wife of Ed and there was a half eaten human arm it was munching on with the owner of it nowhere to be seen.

"I told you to not go in there."

I wiped around but I froze before completely having turned, feeling the barrel of what was probably my own rifle butting against my head as the safety was clicked off... If rifles even have safety, I don't know much even now.


"Please on your knees dear or I will be forced to make you forget what you saw and I don't think you want to meet god just yet." He sounded sad but confident in his words, I knew he'd pull the trigger if I disobeyed.

I put one knee down and before I could the second I was hit in the head with something.

"Your visitation rights are unfortunately revoked dear Jessica." I heard as my eyes closed, just how strong.... Is.... An.... Old... Dude...

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