-Hard Truths-

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I brought a hand over my face, pushing my goggles up on my forehead.

Hope was struck with despair as fast as it came.

One of them... His arm.

"Hey I am Andie... Your mom here.... She asked me to take care of you two." One of the four people in this room will live.

"Miss Nancy is not our mom." The bitten boy said, scratching his skin by the bite, it was angry red and swollen up, the veins bright red around the bite spot.

"Miss Nancy huh?" At least I know your name... At least yours.... Another I couldn't save.... "Well now I will look after you."

"Will those monsters hurt you too?" The none bitten one seemed to trust me easier while the bitten looked scared.

"They won't, I know how to stop monsters with this!" I swung my bat, rolling my sleeve down to hide the scratches. "Do you want food?" I held the crackers to them and they took it from me, crumbs falling everywhere.

I walked back to the lady, Nancy, crouching and closing her eyes before putting the gun against it and pulling the trigger.

The little boys screamed.

"It was necessary or Miss Nancy would have become one of the monsters, she would have been reeeeaaally sad if she became one of them." I told them, calming them down. "Follow me kids."

I left the room and two little boys were hot on my tail, bat raised, not only my life important right now.... How morbid that I will soon die and leave them alone....

I hit down exactly five husks until I found a science class and pushed the boys in and looked around.

I closed the door before hurrying to all the closets and looking over the content of their shelf, pulling out what I think I might need and put it on a table as the boys just stood in place and watched.

They didn't exactly look alike but there is enough resemblance to see brothers were what these two were, short blond hair with bright child blue eyes, soft face, some dirty T-shirts, one green and the other, for the bitten one, striped in blue and white, some black pants and sneakers.... You did good Nancy.... You did good...

I pulled plastic gloves on, time to work, I pulled my mask back up and goggles.

"What are you doing?" One asked as I pulled the jar out and took a scalpel, cutting the smallest piece of the flesh I could and put it on a glass slide.

"I am checking what's in the blood of the monsters." I answered while dabbing the cloth piece on another slide.

"Why?" The other asked as I smeared blood on a third slid, I thought and rolled up my arm, sucking it and despite the pain pulled carefully with my none bloody finger on the edge of the injury that barely stopped bleeding and used a fourth slide to put a drop of it on it.... I can check my blood and the boys to compare too.

"So I can tell other people what to do to cure them." Okay that's wishful thinking but come on. "Boys, can I prick your fingers?" I held up a clean scalpel.


"So I can check your blood too!" I said with a smile as I pulled the mask off so they could see it.

It took a bit of convincing to get them to do it.

I first put the husk blood under the lens and turned the lens to the one that zoomed the most.

I focused the pic and I know this wasn't normal blood, I've seen enough movies and documentaries to see a close up of blood.

There were blood cells and other things but also a lot of tiny dots with a transparent membrane around that grew little legs too move around, most sticking to the surface of the blood cells.

I heard coughing making me look at the bitten boy, so that's why their breathing gets weird, for the living and the dead.... They can barely get air in as this thing sticks to blood.... That means blood is contagious.

I took the flesh slice but it was too thick so I threw it away and took the slide with cloth dabbed on it.

I looked into it and there was the little things on it too, I squinted at it, it didn't seem to move much here so probably dead... So spit is deadly too... Probably all bodily fluids.

I quickly made another of these cloth slides and put it in, squirting disinfectant on it and saw all stop moving with the DNA floating away from the ruptured membrane.

I threw this one away, only keeping the two useful ones next to me to my left as I grabbed my own blood sample.

My hand trembled, not wanting to see these fuckers in me but I need to come clean with my dea--Huh?

I moved the slide around with the inbuilt system, not one of these virus pods in the blood!

I laughed, my mood shooting up as I grabbed the bitten boy's to check and his was indeed filling with the virus but it still didn't cover the cells completely yet.

"What is your name boys?" I asked, taking to other boy's sample so check, make sure I didn't get a false negative, not getting my hopes up too high for myself.

But instead of a proof I found dread.

Many of those micro-fuckers in his blood.

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