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I sat alone on the roof, not even Whiskers was here.

I was not even sitting in the lawn chair up here.

Heck I was even laying on the ground, it was cold yes but I am dressed up not naked so I am fine.

It bothered me that they tried to let people stay but it also bothered me how they looked at me after it.

I scratched my neck as I looked up at the starry night.

I rubbed my face.

I already am getting attached, it is not good at all, I already care for their opinion.

"That can't happen." I shook my head, groaning before throwing my hands up in the air and yelling in anger.

I need to make a list of rules to give to them, so they know what to do and not when I am not around.

But I should also delegate things too do, I know I was getting bored without things to say despite the amount of things to do.

Lucy did seem to like animals more and Adar was a strong dude so I could teach Lucy what I know about chicken care and such and of course tell her for now we not taking eggs, we need more chickens to hatch for it to be good.

Adar could help make that park into a bigger garden as digging it up alone is hard and I could pull a muscle which is not a good idea.... Or I could finally go raid the other cop station for their weapons and train him with a rifle, guns and rifles are not the same... He could outright be a security guard, the one to patrol fenced in area, I am more then sure he'd be happy to be trusted with it.

"Plus... A man is always more scary then a woman." I said, remembering how those dudes took me for nothing when I was way more dangerous then he was.

I lifted my arms and looked at the long healed scratches before looking at the cut I made only months into the Great Silence in my journey to survive before shifting my gaze to the cuffs on my arm.... It never gets easier does it?

I heard another thunk and sighed as it was followed by cussing from the young girl.

Jasmine was learning, she could hold the bow without the string hitting her arm when she fired it, her arm was covered with heavy bruising while she figured that out but she was far from being a pro.

Then again, when bows were first invented this was how people learnt, making mistakes and practice, she has a lot of time to still learn, I'll make sure she does.

But to come back to Adar and Lucy.... I will need to rewrite my daily to do list with them on it and maybe make a version we can hang outside for all to see.

They could teach more things to Jasmine then I can, I was a biology student but they specialized in something else after all, I want to give her the most chances to survive this world if push comes to shove.

I let my hands fall and I slap myself in the face with a loud groan.

"Why life? Why can't one thing be simple? Just one!" I pleaded in vain, knowing nothing was gonna change in this life and the next if humanity did end up somehow bouncing back tho I had my doubts after four years but who knows, maybe there are already communities around and growing.

I think humanity shouldn't survive but we still deserve a fighting chance and who knows? Maybe something will change my outlook on life.

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