-The end to a madness-

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I don't know how long I struggled with the knot before I tugged a piece of it looser then the rest, it took some time to get more progress but I did do it.

"Fuck." I hissed, one of my arms covered in my own puke from having laid in it to reach back easier to the knot, I was growing cold as the cellar was freezing almost plus I finally could spit out the disgusting tasting cloth.

I sighed softly, wondering how the hell I'll free myself more before a scary idea came to my mind... When I was younger I had fallen and dislocated my thumb.

Is.... Is it worth trying to purposefully do it? What if I break it? What if I can't fix it? What if my hand still won't fit through the cuff?

"Hey... Girly to my right... Scoot over... Maybe I can undo your gag." I said, hoping she was awake and I heard metal rubbing against metal with relief.... I must rely on whatever ally I can have in this world to escape this death sentence, we'll just go different ways after this is over.

"Okay one tap is yes two is no, any outdoors, boy scouts or some wilderness training?" I asked, shifting around, crouching as I moved around the pole I was tied too, not having the range of motion she seemed to have, probably tied to one of the horizontal beams.

I got one tap.

"Do you know how to fix dislocations? That's my foot." I said, accidentally kicking her as I couldn't use my hands to feel around as I sat on my ass, using my foot to feel how close she was. "I need you to lower your head, I can't reach up that high." I got the tap for my question slightly easing my nerves in trying my loose bullet of an idea.

(I just found an article that women can escape cuffs without thumb and how it is more of a myth then anything     https://www.fightwrite.net/dislocating-thumb-to-escape-handcuffs/    but this is my book and Ed is not a cop.)

"Can't you reach down?" I got to taps, I guess with my hand tied near the ground and hers up over her head made it impossible for her to near my hands. "Turn around, cheek to the wall with your back towards me." I heard shuffling. "And sorry if I drool on your hair." I was blind in the dark so we knocked heads but with my cheek stuck to it and rubbing it against her head I located the knot and bite a piece of it, pulling.

It was much easier to loosen then my own had been.

"Thank..." A meek and raspy voice said from the lack of water.

"Yeah, now I can try dislocating my left thumb, I did it a lot when I was younger, dear devil and a lefty but it was like ten years ago, are you sure you can help me fix my hand?"

"Yeah yeah I said... Well tapped out that I could." Don't start with the sass.... I am not in the mood.

"Okay." I took a deep breath, grabbing my thumb and pressing it under the metal piece blocking my way up, pressing in the joint at the base of my thumb.

I took a deep breath, sweat already on my forehead and I have yet to do anything.

I got in a crouch and stood up, bent in half as my hands grew sweaty.

I bit on my tongue, come on you are not dying here! I yanked myself up.

"Fuck!" I yelled, feeling the movement and I wondered for a second it I broke my hand before it was all numb right away but feeling it up the bones seemed fine.

I tried to pull my hand out but my wrist was still slightly too wide, stopping halfway off.

I put a foot in the chain around the cuff and stepped on it with my weight and yanked.

My hand was yanked free and blood filled my mouth I was biting so hard to not scream, having felt the skin ripped off by my act. It felt like pieces of skin were flapping against the layers underneath as I shook my hand slightly, hopping to ease the pain but making it worst.

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