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I was still in the same outfit when I left the school with a mostly empty bag again and my bat and trusty ladle, map in pocket

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I was still in the same outfit when I left the school with a mostly empty bag again and my bat and trusty ladle, map in pocket.

Up in the museum that might be useful things, like the swords in their display cases, I don't know the art of fencing or using a sword but sure as hell can swing with it and cut... I just need to get my hand on one.

The museum was as easy to access as most buildings as people had haphazardly left the places to try to hide and fail.

I pulled my ski goggles on my face with my mask and now clean gloves on my hands with my patchwork to fix the hole cut into it, I don't know much about them so I can't assume anything to even help me.

I walked aimlessly through the museum, watching the displays and art.

I walked down a set of stairs and heard a now familiar noise.... Well there was something off....

I hid, better observe instead of running in.

As I peeked into the room I saw an unusual husk.

This husk was hunched over, arms brought up like a kid imitating a T-rex, head bent back, almost staring at the ceiling and its cries were more impactful, they bounced off the walls really well.

I took a step out and in instantly looked at me causing me to freeze.

I didn't move, not knowing how to deal with this husk, seemingly some hearing over compensation.

It is stopped walking, its face right in front of mine I didn't dare breathe, it might feel touch for all I know.

I stared into the milky white eyes, making it blind and its nose seemed fused shut, was whatever infected them mutating some of them?

Now that I think about this some of them look quite human, those I still struggle hurting, and some have pale white almost yellow skin with it seemingly pulled tight on the bone and making them stiffer.

It finally turned away, I slowly pulled the ladle out and slammed it into its skull.



The ladle bounced of it without much damage.

I ran towards the deeper part of the exhibit as the husk cried and thumped after me, sounding faster then some.

I knew this was near the sword exhibit so I just need to get there.

I turned the corner but soon heard the freak, what?! Are you super hearing man?!!

I ran into the dead end room and to glass display, slamming through the glass and grabbing what was titled a European short sword from it.

I pulled it out and this freak ran straight into it, impaling itself through the face as it growled and tried to reach for me with the arms stuck like that.

"Die." I shoved on my arm to not only hold it back but shove the short sword in until the hilt.

Soon the gargoyles stopped.

It almost pulled me over when it fell, I let it fall.

I let morbid curiosity drive me as I crouched down near it and reached out before pulling my hands back and pulling on disposable gloves before touching it.

I hit my knuckles on parts of the skull and they felt really hard and lumpy under the skin, I think it is harder then bone since I couldn't break it but the front of it, the face felt solid but slightly movable like cartilage.

Even if I hit it in the face with a ladle it wouldn't hurt the brain so stabbing it through the face was what would stop it... Or maybe brake the legs so it can't move.... But then again its cries are echo-y so that's not a good idea.

I sighed, knowing I'll need to take notes about these different husks.... Should I even call them husks? Well they are but they are so different.

"I'll think about it." I promise myself and grabbed the twin of the short sword I stabbed into its skull. "Enough of museum for today."

I ate my food, it was an apple about to go bad probably tomorrow as I looked at the map.

I ate my food, it was an apple about to go bad probably tomorrow as I looked at the map

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(I will put the map back in a few times lol.)

I was in biology in school after all.... I am no chemist nor a biologist either but we learnt so much shit maybe even a little shit like me can see something in a microscope or some blood test.

But for that I need a husk and to get to the big school that is maybe a university on the opposite side of town... The map is simplified unfortunately so I can't really tell how far it is but maybe I'll be fine... They must have strong microscopes as it is a school in the medical field.

"I'll think about it." I said with a sigh.

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