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(Alright! One.... ONE (Edit of much later: now two!)... Person answered the question I threw out there so I have one opinion to go over to see if you want this or not, so you a lucky gal/guy, you know who you are the one commentor, you'll get your discovery of what this disease truly is *Finger guns*.)

I stood out in the yard, leaning against the brick wall with one hand in my packet, watching Jasmine, she was getting really good.

Well.... I could have too, I thought about learning archery a while ago but she just went for it with no books, just the want, and she learnt. Now she was consistently hitting near the middle of the drawn target.

I should really learn how to make arrows or something, I thought, twirling an arrow in my other hand, there were many hunting arrows in sports shops but despite being strong, the one I am holding had broken the tip off because of a misfire into the concrete wall head on... And arrows literally grow on trees in the form of straighter branches.

I dropped it, pushing off the wall and walking over.

"When it will thaw, you should at least get more used to a gun, just in case. You did once really wanna learn."

"True." She said, pulling the arrows from the wood, many holes in it now. "Hey Andie? Question."

"Yeah? What's it?"

"Do I have the right to leave the town?"

"For what reason?" I held back the snappy tone in my voice, wanting to hear her out before I flipped.

"Dad used to hunt, I followed him before these munchers got him."

"It is dangerous, the more time passes the more chance there is for hoards." I said, grabbing the bow she held to me as she stretched and rubbed her arm, I saw how her forearm would be bruised from how the bow string smacked it.

"Yeah I know but still, I don't know, I wanna see further? Maybe I'll find something important." I sighed, at least she asked.... I'd leave my father and Vic without warning them, they needed to hope I'd be back... I was quite a bitch.

"We'll talk another time about exploring around alright?" I said, handing the bow back. "Now follow me, I have something for you."

"Oh crikey."

"Never say that again."

I close the front door behind her, only passingly worried that I've never seen Cody leave his home but I'll worry about it later, it is a risk that I am willing to take today.

"Do you know what day it is supposed to be today?" I led her in and flopped on the mattress in the room, rolling over to my 'stash'.

"Euh.... Winter?"

"You are brilliant." I said with an eye roll.

She hopped up on the couch, momentarily glancing at the alligator plush she grabbed, she never pointed it out or brought it up but still.

"Don't mock me."

"There is a calendar hung in the halls to keep track of time."

"Why do you even do that?" She asked.

"I just need to know, it is important for me, like for example my hair, it is not cut for a reason tho I should do it now, it is getting too long for safety." I pulled it out and sat up.

"That's why you always have your watch but the days?"

"I guess you WERE like 11 when the silence started, it is quite human to want to know the time and day if you grew up being able to always know."

"Yeah I was young but not stupid."

"Jass, I was 18 what this started, four years, soon to be five since I left my apartment and entered this world, I am a bit different to you." I faced her again. "Tho I admit, I haven't thought of this day in a long time, it had no use to it, winter is a time of fear and cold." I held the little wrapped and scuffed chess set out to her. "Anyhow, happy Christmas."

"Isn't it merry Chri--" "Take the box Jasmine."

"Sheesh." She grabbed it. "Why a chess set?"

"I am sorry I got mad at you for touching that other set." It was still in the same thrown apart state as when I slapped it from her hold. "It just has memories to it... Some I want to keep you away from but if you want to play I got your own for you."

"All that was because I touched that set?"

"Don't push it Jass."

She chuckled and ripped the already torn plastic, the little shit faking surprise with a hand on her face and looking at me.

I just grabbed a pillow and threw it at her, making her laugh.

I rolled my eyes.

Still tho...

Happy as long as she is.

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