New Home

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The building right bellow the bookstore was a toy store.

Lucky this weird crash took place early in the morning since, while someone kept an eye on the new people, the rest of us not only forced the doors but also were nice enough to set up a sleeping place.

Every story has an office, a little place away from clients.

So we pushed the desk, the lamp and the selves out of the room and grabbed a few of those magic inside plastic covers mattress and set them up, parting with a few blankets.

"Maybe we should set up the other shops in this protected area so that we don't need to do this every time, or at least already carry the basic stuff inside." Adar said, reading my thoughts probably.

"Probably, if we accept others." I said. "These just seemed quite tame, that's why I let them stay to be honest." I admit it.

"At least you let them and it is a great idea." Lucy said, tasked with taping paper over the side staring outside the fence, to be sure no husks would see in and spot movement.

They just asked for a moment until they can move on but, with kids in this mess, I feel less inclined to chase them away, as long as they will pull their weight I will have no ill feeling if they just forget to leave one day.

"Great, the minimum is now set up." Adar said, the office was extremely small, not actually fitting two mattresses next to each other and we needed to forced them too.... We even doubled it up so it is like out homes, being cold when you try to sleep can be one of the worst feelings.

I threw the folded blankets into the room and turned away.

"If we are done then lets go." I told the two.

"They behaved." Cody said when we joined them, everyone sitting in the plastic lawn chairs set up.

"Good, so, names?" I asked.

"Linda." I almost snorted, of course the Karen haircut lady has a name that fits it but she hasn't yelled to talk to my manager so I will not be a dickhead and mock her.... She is a bit dry and mighty but it hasn't caused problems yet, I'll deal with it if it does.

"Name's Julie and this is Nicolas and Dawn, say hi." The younger said, the little girl just waving while the boy said hi back.

"Linda, Julie, Nicolas and Dawn." I repeated to myself in a whisper, committing them to memory. "Well this metal tin can is Cody." "Hey!" "This guy is Adar, Lucy and well, I'm Andie and welcome to Rain Point, my town."

"I can see that." Julie muttered, pointing up towards the rules I had spray painted on the was of a building, they were not that faded, spray paint isn't meant to fade that fast anyway. "I assumed you were the boss from the way you talk and order."

"You assumed correctly. I am because I've been here for five years and have set up everything you see her or almost everything, before anyone else of my group have gotten here so these rules are needed so follow them or we throw you out." I could still hear the alarm blaring but now the groans of husks too, we need to be fast. "Now, Cody will show you where you all will be staying but for now I'll keep your weapons." I grabbed the back and threw it over my shoulder. "You'll get them back later. For now, get inside and stay inside until tomorrow. We left you a little of our food and water that will be good for you four but we need to lay low without the husks will see us, we'll talk tomorrow."

"Alright... Thanks." Julie tried but failed to not smile brightly, a fiery spirit despite the situation, could help us with moral on slow days.

"Yeah sure." I wanted to tell them to thanks Jasmine for softening my resolve in chasing everyone away but stayed silent.


I sat on my roof and stared at the clouds drifting by above me, trying to see shapes into them to pass the time as the silence brought the racket of husks to my ears.

Lucy takes care of chicken and Adar is a gardener now, Cody is a guard and I am all.... We need to find these women something they can do or something.

They need to be useful for us and themselves.

They really were cooperating with everything we asked, well... What I asked, so it will be easy to live with them.

But I do also want to see if they have back bones, it will be easier to survive like that.

Both came from situations that didn't exposed them to husks as much as we had, Julie only for four years probably and the other three it might not even be a year but they are all taking it well, steeling themselves and diving into this world to survive and thrive.

This might be their forever new home, it would be for the best if they fit in as soon as possible and fill in their place and as if they matter.


"I don't think I made a mistake today. Don't you also think that Jass?" I hummed. "I wonder where you are and what greatness you are seeing out there in the world."

Sure, I probably would live and die in this town, I missed traveling even if I complained to my father.... But it was something that would be missed.

I crossed my arms behind my head and leaned back in my chair.

"You better tell me the whole story of it when you get back."

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