Chapter 55: Grandma will always be here, in your heart

Start from the beginning

"Perhaps, this should have something to do with Nancy as after all, she tried to attack Ivy while stalking both of you, and mind you it was a fake relationship. Can you imagine if Nancy finds out about all this? What will happen to Ivy? Don't you think she doesn't feel the security she needed yet? I mean, all girls need the sense of security before they could be committed." Marcel sat up as he explained, leaving Jason pondering for a second.

He never truly thought of this before but perhaps it might be the reason. It added more reasons for him to be more determined to talk things through with her tonight. Looking at Jason's face being less tense, Marcel knew Jason must have figured it out.

"Good luck, bro for tonight! I will see you next week in Manes. Send me some updates after you get the contract signed with Mr. Jing tomorrow." Marcel said before heading to the washroom to get ready to pack up to catch his flight at noon while Jason fell back on his back and stared up at the ceiling, trying to catch some sleep.

Meanwhile back in Manes, in a heavy downpour, Daisy was driving Jason's grandma carefully home from her weekly coffee and tea session with her friends in their old neighborhood. The old lady watched the heavy rain outside the window panel sadly as she began to miss Jason and Ivy after their visit a week ago. She was reminded of the small conversation they had shared and the promise Jason made to accompany her someday to meet with her friends. So, she decided to ask Daisy to get Jason to visit her again with Ivy.

"Daisy, where is my grandson? He should come back and see this old lady more often with that sweet girlfriend of his..." Jason's grandma complained as Daisy chuckled. "Mum, that's not his girlfriend yet..." Daisy explained as Jason's grandma scoffed. "Then, he must quickly make her into one! She is so much better than the previous girl..."

Daisy could only chuckle at her mother-in-law's whine at missing his grandson. "Alright, mum. He is at Landsfield on business. I will arrange for them to head back and see you soon once he flies back home, alright..." Daisy held her mother-in-law's hand to comfort her as she grumpily settled for Daisy's arrangements.

Moments later, Daisy felt strange when she tried to step on the brakes as they were nearing the traffic lights when she realised the brakes were malfunctioning as she gasped and tried to sound her horn to alert cars to avoid her.

"What's wrong with the car, Daisy?" Jason's grandma asked as Daisy panicked.

"The breaks won't work mum! Mum, sit back! Hold tight!" Daisy was trying to brave the crossing traffic from her left as she tried to speed up her driving away from the crossroads but immediately after that, in front of her was a long trailer that was too blurred to notice earlier due to the heavy rain.

Jason's grandma being quick-witted tried to swerve Daisy's steering wheel to the left to let the car knock on the curb on their right which send the car spinning around as both ladies held on tight to the car's handle for their life. After a few spinning, all Daisy could faintly see was her mother-in-law lying next to her as both of them were injured and bleeding in a pool of blood when the car came to a halt in the rain.

Daisy prayed earnestly as she lay half motionless by her mother-in-law's side and hope very much for her to survive before Daisy finally succumbed to being unconscious.

Marcel who had just landed at the airport from Manes, immediately was spammed with messages and phone calls from Rahi's household informing him of news of the accident as he rushed over to the given hospital to scout on the situation before informing Jason.

"Mr. Rahi..." Marcel greeted Jason's father who was standing in front of the operation theatre.

"Where is Jason?" Mr. Rahi questioned as Marcel bow his head down thinking about Jason's schedule.

Part 1: To change your destiny; Part 2: 4 2 1(For you); Part 3: Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now