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12 years later

"Miss Aruna, please answer our questions!"

"Madam Lesa, just five minutes!"

"Aruna, we will handle them," My manager whispered, as i entered the building.

| Now what was that, you may ask? Paparazzi. But the thing is that i got used to them. I'm a successful businesswoman, one of the richest people out here, and this all is at only 27 years old!

This journey started 12 years ago, when i was just a middle schooler. I indeed worked hard to achieve my goal, having a lot of mental breakdowns halfway into success. But at the end it was worth it. When i turned 18 and the lawyers sent a document for me to sign, my adoptive parents reached out to me out of the blue.

"Y/n, dear, you've grown so much, we missed you" Was all they would say. They barged into my house as soon as i aged up, as if i was going to be in good terms with them. But no, miss Aruna Lesa ruined all of their plans.

I hired a detective, Tachibana Naoto, to help me solve the old "L/n family" case. We worked hard, trying to find all the proof against Masaru Sato and Kyoka, and surely did it.

On that fatal night Masaru family didn't check CCTV camera outside of the building. Of course, they tried to be as cautious. But every criminal leaves a trail. However, that's not all. 'Loose lips sink ships' ladies and gentleman. Me and Tachibana threatened the call-center to give us all the records from that night and bingo, these horny geezers helped us out.

- Sato, baby, i miss you so much

- Once we finish off that damned L/n family and everyone else in that room, i will wreck you all out, Kyoka.

You should've seen our faces when we were listening to that erotic shit. After collecting the needed evidence, we rushed to the court, not forgetting the DNA tests. How did i manage to get their dna? Easy. I played dumb and invited them over to have a "redemption" dinner. Their boorish hungry asses didn't hesitate to leave saliva on the cups and plates, which was for my benefit. I rapidly took their biological marks to the laboratory and quickly got a test: 0.01% of relation.

Later, we went to court and made them get a cute life sentence for a mass premeditated murder, illegal adoption, perjury and theft.

And that's why, babes, you shouldn't mess with Aruna Lesa.

By the way, i've only been going around with my alias, people don't really know about my real name. I made my lawyers get rid of every trail of "L/n Y/n". I decided to have a makeover, so i'll accomplish it. But no, i'm not abandoning my beautiful name. Business and underground dont have to know about my personal life.

After the court, i legally became a president of Shibuya Corporation. Having a lot of my savings and my company's budget, i immediately bought "Moon Eternity's" stocks and got to be an official owner of the chain of this cafe all over the world. However, since i still was in Paris, i handed the Shibuya Corporation to the temporary president, aka vice president,

Kawaragi Senju.

We got pretty close since middle school, which is why i trusted my company to her. Of course, i will be ruling over it, once i come to Shibuya.

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