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"Naoto, what's our plan?" Takemichi asked.

Naoto rubbed his forehead. "Were there any clues to this case? Do you suspect anyone in stabbing Y/n? Tell me what you know about it all, please, and we will figure how to help her."

Takemichi remembered everything that Mikey told them previously. "She came on the meeting the other day and Kisaki kept staring at her. After the meeting her and Kisaki kinda fought each other, which was really funny. Then we all left but seems like Mikey and Y/n discussed something which resulted in them seriously fighting. After that, she got stabbed. Naoto, i'm 100% sure that it's Kisaki's fault. He wants to get rid of both Baji and Y/n."

Then it hit him. "Wait, is the name of the hospital where she died mentioned in the newspaper?" He asked Naoto. They both grabbed it and started observing.

"Found it! Local Shibuya hospital, it's 15 minutes from this place. Takemichi, let's shake hands. Please, save Y/n, Baji and Kazutora!" Naoto smiled.

And with that, they shook hands...

October 16th 2005

Takemichi was running to the hospital mentioned by Naoto. He heard bikes behind and someone called him.

"Oh, partner? Are you running to the local hospital? If yes, hop on." Chifuyu said.

Takemichi nodded and got on the bike. They quickly arrived and almost broke the doors at hospital. Only him and Matsuno were here.

"Chifuyu, i'm sure she's here, call everyone!" Takemichi asked.

"Huh? How would you know?"

He tried to laugh it off. "A hunch..."

But Chifuyu only called Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Kawata twins and Hakkai.

"Excuse me, is there any patient in special wards being in a coma?" Takemichi asked the nurse.

"Let me check." She looked through the data but then flinched at something. "N-no, no one.."

Takemichi knew something was off. Did someone blackmail the nurse?

He shared his thoughts with Chifuyu. "Yeah, she's been acting weird since we asked about the coma patient. Let's find her ourselves then."

They excused themselves, saying they need to go to the bathroom but in reality they went upstairs to find Y/n. Takemichi was running through the halls, peeking at every ward but there was no Y/n in any. Same goes to Chifuyu, he even thought she's not here. Then one certain room caught Takemichi's attention. As he was about to go in, Chifuyu called him out. "Takemichi, we are leaving."

He looked at this door once again, thinking that it's some different patient again but he suddenly tripped and fell, opening the door.

"Y/N?!" Takemichi yelled. Chifuyu's eyes widened, he called someone on his phone.

He finally found her. She was finally found. But still, she was laying peacefully, not waking up after hearing her best friend cry.

"Y/n, wake up!" Takemichi cried.

Chifuyu entered the room. "Mikey is on his way, wake up, Y/n."

As Chifuyu came inside, the nurse peeked. "O-oh, you found her..." Matsuno got really mad, he grabbed her by her collar, "Who asked you to do this? Answer!"

The nurse was on the verge of tears. She knew that there's no point in hiding. "H-he had g-glasses..."

Takemichi and Chifuyu exchanged glances. They let go of nurse.

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