Chapter 47: I Am Your Grandfather. Except Not Really.

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"You should see when it is at sunset, it almost looks like an image from a child's imagination. It is a long walk, but the sight is breathtaking to say the least. I hope you decide to reside here. I have always loved this place. I'm glad you love it as well. Father and I used to play here when I was a child. It was before...before my mother and sister passed. He was still happy and he still loved me." His smile faded but he kept his eyes on the sunrise.

"I'm sorry about what's happened to you Andor. You didn't deserve any of it. And I'm sorry for not coming sooner. I tried to come as soon as I could...but there was just too many things happening at once. I uh...have to admit...that I kinda...I kinda forgot about you for a day. I felt horrible about it, I couldn't believe I just-"

"No's fine. Eventually, I will be forgotten by everyone. I have decided that already. It's best that I leave soon, so that no one else grows to me. But I suppose that's not the only reason I wish to leave, there are many others. Every piece of land here, has a memory. You can point out any location and I can tell you what I've done there before. That's why it pains me so much to be here. This used to be one of the grandest of them all. Everyone was happy, everything was balanced. Not one citizen would say otherwise. I remember when I was friends with Alister, he gave me the boomerang that I've had for so long. He was one of my greatest friends. He is a prime example of what happened when Ianite left and Dianite was killed. Everyone panicked, not only because their gods were gone, but because the taint had set in. They either fled, somewhere unknown, or they followed the Mianite. The pain I went through in that prison was just a mere slap compared to what I went through as my father changed...I apologize, I should not have babbled on for so long..." He sighed and turned from the sunrise, and looked to the town. It was nothing more than a ruin now.

"It's cool. I like hearing about your past. It's interesting and kinda sad..."

"What of your past Jordan? What did you do in your early childhood?"

"To be honest...I don't really know. Before this, before the land I lived in and sorta left, I lived in a tree alone. I can't remember anything else before childhoods a mystery to me. It's really weird..." I chuckled nervously.

"Nonsense, how did you find the land you lived in?"

"Uh...I was running from someone who was trying to kill me. Still don't know who he was, but he died nonetheless. I killed him, and my tree caught on fire, one of the supporting beams broke, and I fell into a river. I ended up at the land of Mianite, and I met Tom when I washed up on the beach. I was kinda terrified because who wouldn't be if you came face to face with a zombie who can talk?"

Andor laughed. "Yes, I would be very much afraid. May I ask you something personal? About your past?"

"Sure dude. What is it?"

"Who is...who is Capsize?"

My muscles tensed at her name.

My smile faded as I remembered her face. The normal one, and the dead one.

"I'm sorry, I should not have asked that. I've caused you discomfort." Andor rushed to apologize at his question.

"It's okay, I need to get over her anyway. Where did you hear about her?"

"Well, you mumbled her name quite a lot in your sleep. I was just wondering if she was a friend or..."

"She was Crush? I don't know. We weren't really together, but I loved her. She passed away though..."

I was still trying to follow Ianites orders, to avoid anything that had anything to do with telling him who I actually was, or who his grandparents were.

Mianite: A Syndisparklez Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें