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Animal Class: Mammal

Diet: Omnivorous

A nearly extinct species, Pukwudgies never venture away from their homes in the forests of New England.

The actions of their ancestors are the reason that these creatures are so close to extinction. Their ancestors were very aggressive and violent with the native Wompanoag people and early European settlers and were heavily hunted out of fear and anger.

The Pukwudgie that are left are less aggressive than their ancestors and only attack Humans that bother them.

Their quills are venomous and they sometimes pull them off of their bodies, put them in bows, and use them to hunt or fish. This is one of the only ways that they can bring down larger prey like Deer.

They are capable of creating arrows and spears out of wood and this is the only other way they have to bring down their larger prey.  

Pukwudgies usually only grow to be around 3 feet tall, but stories are told of ones that were able to grow to over 8 feet tall.( These 8 feet tall "Pukwudgies" are now believed to just be misidentified Sasquatches or Werewolves)

They have retractable claws that are sharp enough to leave very deep marks in stone.

They were once capable of using powerful magic, but as the generations went on, they started using it less and less and the magic they used became less and less powerful. The Pukwudgie that remain appear to be incapable of using magic.

Pukwudgies are capable of speech with some of them having learned multiple languages. ( How they manage to accomplish this is still unclear)

They have teleportation powers, but they can only teleport to places that they can see. However, some have the ability to teleport to locations that they have been to before if they concentrate hard enough.

Pukwudgies can live for around 30 to 50 years, but their ancestors appear to have had a lifespan of over 100.

Extra Fun Fact: The venom inside Pukwudgie quills causes hallucinations and many people used to inject small amounts of Pukwudgie venom into them in order to experience these hallucinations.

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