Lizard People

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Animal Class: Reptile

Diet: Carnivorous

Despite what conspiracy theorists say, Lizard People are not Aliens and do not have any shape shifting abilities. They are native to Earth and evolved from a still unidentified creature that existed alongside the Dinosaurs and survived the extinction event that wiped the Dinosaurs out.

Like other species of Lizards, Lizard People have regeneration abilities that allows their arms, hands, feet, legs, and tails to grow back. However, it is a much longer process for them and it can sometimes take over a year for their limbs to grow back.

Lizard People are extremely adaptive with some even living in the sewers of major cities. ( The Lizard People that live in sewers are extremely intelligent and many will come out of the sewers to interact with Human society. Many of them actually have jobs)

Like Nāga/ Nagi, more intelligent Lizard People are capable of speech, but have speech impediments because of their tongues.

Lizard People have the ability to breathe underwater and are amazing swimmers. Many have been observed swimming out in the open ocean looking for new territory.

Lizard People can be found living worldwide and because of this, many different types of them have been documented.

The spikes on their back are very sharp and in certain types of Lizard People, the spikes have venom in them.

Despite being cold blooded, Lizard People can live in frigidly cold environments and a theory as to how they managed to accomplish a feat like this is because the ancestors of those particular Lizard People mated with primitive Dragons in the ancient past and the Dragon blood in them  prevents them from freezing.

Lizard People that live in jungles have the ability to camouflage. They can do this to hide, hunt, or to show their emotions.

Whilst most of them spend a lot of time near water, the ones that live in Deserts can go incredible amounts of time without drinking. Many have went several years without one drop of water.

The preferred habitat of Lizard People is swamps or mountainous areas with a lot of water.

Despite most Lizard People being very intelligent, a certain species is must more primitive and animalistic than the other species and these are the ones that have been known to attack Humans.

When they hatch from their eggs, they have to crawl around on all fours. It can take up to three years for them to master walking on two feet and like Humans, they are very clumsy walkers when they first start out.

Lizard People can live for up to 80 years, but the more primitive ones can allegedly live for decades.( This theory had yet to be confirmed)

Many types of Lizard People are capable of Asexual reproduction and do not have to find mates. However, the ones that do have mates( and are therefore not capable of Asexual reproduction) usually mate for life.

Extra Fun Fact: The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp was one of the more primitive types of Lizard People and because its body has never been found, it is apart of the reason that some believe that the primitive types of Lizard People have longer lifespans than other Lizard People. ( It's just been 33 years since the first sighting of the Lizard Man, but it is believed to have been an older Lizard Person because of its size)

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