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Animal Class: Marine Reptile

Diet: Carnivorous

Plesiosaurs like Lochsaurus were originally thought to have gone extinct with the Dinosaurs, but it appears that small populations of them survived by moving into freshwater.

Lochsaurs are the only living species of Plesiosaur and are also the only Plesiosaur species known to live in freshwater. However, they can breathe both Freshwater and Saltwater.

Sightings of Lochsaurs occured for centuries in many different parts of the globe, but these sightings were dismissed by the scientific community until a young one was hooked by a fishermen in Loch Ness. ( Which is how they got their name)

Despite being Reptiles, Lochsaurs have been seen in some of the coldest bodies of water in the world with small populations even living in the waters of the Artic Circle.

Since Lochsaurs are Reptiles, they have to come to the surface several times a day in order to breath and this is when most sightings of them occur. 

Since it would be next to impossible for them to crawl on to land, Lochsaurs give birth to live young. They usually give birth to around 3 to 7 young, but some have been observed giving birth to over 20 at once.

Being such large creatures, Lochsaurs require a lot of food and are constantly migrating from place to place in search of it. One Lochsaur can circumnavigate the globe several times in its lifetime.

The average lifespan of a Lochsaur is around 90 to 110 years which means the sightings of what were originally thought to be the same individuals such as Nessie or Champ would have to actually be multiple separate individuals.

While their long necks allow them to grab far away prey( and even grab flying birds), they are also a huge weak spot that makes them vulnerable to attacks from predators like Sharks, Killer Whales, Crocodiles, Alligators, Sea Serpents, and Hydras.

When not hunting, Lochsaurs are incredible peaceful creatures that will even allow divers to swim next to them and even touch them. However, if they are threatened in anyway, they will not hesitate to fight back.

Extra Fun Fact: According to an ancient legend, Leif Erikson was allegedly saved by a Lochsaurus after he fell overboard in icy waters. It even helped tow his damaged ship out of the icy waters. After that day, Erikson never again raised a weapon against a Lochsaurus.

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