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Animal Class: Mammal

Diet: Omnivorous

Close relatives of Sasquatches and Devil Monkeys, Agropelters are extremely territorial primates that live in the more Northern parts of the United States.

Agropelters live solitary lives which is a rare trait amongst primates, especially larger primates.

They like to live in hollow trees and they will defend those trees to the death. Many of them have attacked loggers just for being in the same general area as their tree.

They prefer to live deep in secluded forests meaning many Agropelters have went their entire lives without seeing a Human.

Their long, tentacles-like arms are believed to have evolved in order to help them swing from tree to tree across long distances, but they are also very useful when it comes to throwing projectiles.

As the previous fact suggests, an Agropelter's preferred method of attack is to throw projectiles at their foes. They usually throw rocks and large pieces of wood and their accuracy is deadly. They almost never miss and when they do it's usually because they have an injury/illness hindering them.

They are Omnivores, but when they hunt their prey, usually Deer, Elk, or Moose, they do so by throwing large rocks at their head. Once the prey is down, they either finish it off with a rock or strangle with their arms.

Though they live too far North to come into contact with their Devil Monkey cousins, they have a bitter hatred for their Sasquatch kin and this is most likely because they compete for the same resources and since Sasquatches are larger, stronger, and more intelligent than Agropelters, the confrontations between them often end in favor of the Sasquatch.

Agropelters are so reliant on their tentacle arms that a major injury to either of the arms is pretty much a death sentence. Sasquatches have been known to take advantage of this weakness during their confrontations with Agropelters.

Extra Fun Fact: Agropelters are so aggressive that the Giant Paul Bunyan was terrified of them and refused to go into parts of the forest that he knew had Agropelters living in them.

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