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Animal Class: Reptile

Diet: Carnivorous

Despite their massive size, Mahamba are some of the most elusive animals on the planet and are almost never seen by Humans.

Mahamba are the largest living species of Crocodilian.

Many missing Human and Livestock causes are blamed on Mahamba in many of the areas in which they inhabit.

DNA tests show that they are the evolved descendants of the now extinct, Sarcosuchus that lived alongside the Dinosaurs. They managed to survive the extinction of the Dinosaurs by hiding deep underwater and surviving off Dinosaur carcasses that floated down to where they were hiding.

Their exact lifespan is unknown, but based on the lifespans of other larger Crocodilians, it can be inferred that they live from around 50 to 80 years.

Like their smaller cousins, Mahamba are ambush predators, but because of their larger size they can bring down larger prey such as Elephants. However, their larger size also makes them slower and less successful hunters than their cousins.

They naturally live across Africa, but are most commonly found in the more jungled parts of the continent.

They lay between 70 and 100 eggs that are left in burrows by the river. Both parents guard the nest until the eggs hatch, but once they do, the young are on their own.

The armor on a Mahamba is too thick for bullets to penetrate. Every  Mahamba that Humans have managed to kill was killed by poisoning or by explosives.

Extra Fun Fact: It is now believed that the man eater Gustave is/was actually a Mahamba instead of a Nile Crocodile.

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