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Animal Class: Monotreme

Diet: Omnivorous

Hundreds of years ago, gargoyles would turn to stone during the day and emerge from the stone at night, but as time passed, evolution got rid of that feature ( probably due to it being a huge disadvantage) and now they only turn to stone to heal from wounds or hibernate for extended periods of time during harsh environmental conditions such as droughts or really bad winters.

Due to their ability to turn to stone, Gargoyle's have nearly unbreakable skin meaning that they are immune to damage from most man made weapons ( bullets bounce off of them, blades break on impact, and things like that) 

Lay eggs in clutches that range from 5 to 20 eggs that are protected by the entire gargoyle clan. ( clans are lead by an alpha pair and two to three other gargoyles that help the alpha pair make decisions). 

Naturally live in North America, Europe, Australia, some parts of Asia, and a smaller subspecies is believed to live in the jungles of South America.

Many statues of gargoyles on buildings are actually gargoyles that died of old age. ( They turn to stone when they die by natural causes) 

When they first hatch, it takes a few months for them to learn how to fly. At first, they can only glide, but as they get older the gliding eventually turns into actual flight.

Their normal life span ranges from 500 to 2000 years.

When they hunt small prey ( such as birds and rodents), they usually end it quickly by sneaking up on it and stabbing it through the heart with its tail spike while large prey ( such as deer and elk) usually put up more of a fight and have to be wrestled into submission. 

Their tail is prehensile and many gargoyles like to hang upside down to sleep. It can also be used as a third arm.

Despite the fact that they don't turn to stone during the day anymore, many gargoyles still live a nocturnal lifestyle. 

Extra Fun Fact: Many gargoyles seem to be obsessed with eating jalapenos, but the reason for this is unknown. ( A lot of brownie points to anyone that understands that reference)  

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