Sasquatch/Bigfoot/ Yeti/ Yowie/ Yeren/ All the Other Names

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Animal Class: Mammal

Diet: Omnivorous

One of the most widespread creatures in the world, they are found in North America, Asia, Australia, Europe, South America, and a few parts of Africa ( mainly the jungle areas of the continent), but newer evidence suggests that there might be a large population of them deep in the wilderness of Antarctica.

They go by many different names across the globe, but they are the exact same species ( they all have the same type of DNA)  with just a few differences between them. Some of the names they go by are Bigfoots, Sasquatches, Yowies, Yerens, Yetis, Wildmen, Skunk Apes, Wood Boogers, Fouke Monsters, Orang Pendeks, and Almas.

They vary in size, behavior, hair color, and appearance. Most of the ones in North America have brown and black hair with many being seen with red and blonde hair. Yetis are usually snow white and Yowies are a very dark shade of brown. The ones that live in Alaska( where they are mostly referred to as Hairy Men) are the tallest ( some can apparently grow to be 13 feet tall) and Orang Pendeks are the shortest.( usually growing no taller than 5 feet tall) Yowies are the most aggressive and have been known to viciously attack Humans without even being provoked while Yetis and the United States ( with the exception of Fouke Monsters) and Canadian varieties tend to be the most calmest with Yetis sometimes refusing to kill.( they would rather scavenge for food and they have much longer claws to help them do that)

Depending on where in the world they are, they can live alone or in groups ( members of these groups constantly swap leader positions)  and they like to communicate over long distances by howling or knocking on trees. 

Much more intelligent than they look, they have their own language, can make complex hunting traps, and can be taught how to read, write, and use sign language. Many of them have even learned how to speak English and other languages. 

Like many Primates, their hair begins to grey as they get older and most sightings of " albino" ones usually just end up being a very old individual with all grey hair.

Many of them can emit a very bad smelling odour to scare off intruders ( and predators in the case of young ones), but Skunk Apes and Fouke Monsters appear to not be able to control it as they are almost always putting out a bad smell. 

Young ones throw rocks in self defense and as they get older and smarter, they become capable of creating weapons like spears and bows.

Like how Humans have Dogs and Cats as pets, some of these creatures have been known to keep their own pets like Foxes, Coyotes, Dingoes, Wolves, and some of the more smaller species of Wildcat. They even been seen using their pets to help them hunt.

When the young are ready to learn how to hunt ( at around 3 to 4 years of age), some adults gather them up and take them to a place with a lot of resources and spend a few months teaching them how to hunt and gather. This places are usually referred to as nurseries or teaching grounds.

They naturally live for about the same amount of time as humans.

Modern DNA tests have proven that these creatures evolved from the now extinct ape Gigantopithecus and somehow they spread to various parts of the globe.

Extra Fun Fact: Most of them are very friendly with human children and many females have been known to take their young to playgrounds to play with human kids. Sometimes, they even wait near schools for recess to happen.     

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