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Animal Class: Mammal

Diet: Omnivorous

Due to their large size, Giants only live in some of the most remote places on earth and are extremely low in numbers and it is believed that there are just a little over 2000 of them left in the world. 

Because of how big they are, Giants have a big appetite and many of them live near the ocean, so they can hunt large marine animals like Whales and Sharks , but the ones that don't live near the ocean have to live in highly forested areas and feed on trees. Ones that live in remote parts of Africa and Asia tend to hunt Elephants and during the Ice Age, when their species was much more common, they hunted the giant Megafauna like Mammoths, Mastodons, and Giant Ground Sloths.

Giants like to create large spears that are made from the trees that they eat from. The ones that live near the coast use those spears to kill their large prey. The ones that hunt Elephants have been known to rip off the tusks of their prey and use those as weapons.

They are believed to have evolved from a common ancestor that they share with humans and their population flourished during the Ice Age because of the availability of large prey. Their population started to go down when those animals went extinct. 

They have the exact same intelligence levels as humans, but are unable to speak. They just grunt and roar, but most of the ones that are alive today have learned to use sign language.

They once tried to live alongside their Human cousins, but they quickly realized that their large size and large appetite would make that impossible.

The few Giants that are left live in Africa, Asia, Antarctica , and the more Northern parts of North America and Europe. Fossil evidence from South America shows that the Giants that lived there went extinct when the Ice Age Megafauna disappeared.

Giants tend to mate for life and have one baby ( which are normally the size of a Hippo at birth)  at a time, but a baby Giant has not been seen in decades and it is believed that Giants have decided to stop breeding as they know that the world can no longer sustain their species and it is time for them to go extinct.

Naturally live for 70 to 105 years, but records do show that they may have had longer lifespans back during the Ice Age.

Their large size grants them incredible strength and they have been known to pick full grown Whales up out of the ocean and throw them to shore. 

They have thick and bulky skin that allows them to take a lot of hard hits and survive in extremely frigid temperatures. Recently, one was seen being knocked off of a small cliff by an angry Elephant and it got up and walked away with only a few bruises and one cut that most likely came from the Elephant's tusk. 

The average height for a male Giant is 220 feet tall and the average height for females is 190 feet tall. Fossils from Ice Age Giants have shown that they use to grow much taller with a 430 feet tall fossil being found in North America near the badly damaged fossils of several Mammoths.  

Extra Fun Fact: Many Giants that hunt in the Northern Atlantic Ocean have formed a Symbiotic relationship with Krakens. Using their extreme strengths and high intelligence levels, they team up to hunt Whales and end up ripping them in half, so that each creature gets their fair share.             

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