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Animal Class: Mammal

Diet: Omnivorous

These creatures got their name from the sounds that they make when they fly through their jungle home. The cries echo across the jungle and were once though to be the cries of the ghosts of people that died while lost in the jungle.

They are closely related to Olitiau, but unlike them, they do not live in large groups. Ahools live a primarily solitary life except those that have mated for life or those that have young.

Like the previous fact suggests, Ahools can have multiple mates throughout their life or mate with the same individual for life. A lot of these mated for life Ahools are actually Same-sex couples that have been known to raise young Ahools that lost their parents or were abandoned by their parents.

They have one baby at a time and it takes about two and a half years for them to learn how to fly. Upon mastering flight they leave their parents and go off on their own. If its parents are not life partners, this is the time that they separate.

Like Olitiau, they carry their young when they fly, but if it falls they will not go down to get it. Many young Ahools are abandoned by their parents in this way.

They primarily prey on fish and love to eat fruit. However, they are not above scavenging on carrion. Every single recorded attack on humans has been in self defense.

They naturally live in the jungles of Indonesia, but small populations have migrated into places like Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan.

Their young are a major food supply for the endangered Javan Hawk-Eagle and as its numbers continue to decrease, their population drastically increases. They were also a major food supply for younger Javan Tigers ( A species that is now extinct) that were learning how to hunt.

Like their cousin, the Flying Fox, they do not rely on echolocation, but are still still capable of using it if the situation calls for it.

Their average lifespan is around 15 years, but a particularly large and aggressive one that lived deep in the jungle is said to have lived for 40 years.

Extra Fun Fact: Ahools are much more intelligent than they look and can even be talk to speak in a similar way that Parrots speak. However, they are capable of learning much more words than a Parrot can.

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