Drop Bear

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Animal Class: Mammal ( Marsupial)

Diet: Carnivorous

Close cousins of Koalas, they are much more aggressive than their herbivorous relatives.

Drop Bears got their name from their main method of hunting. They hide in trees and wait for unsuspecting prey to pass underneath the tree before jumping down on to them and severely mauling them.

Even by Australian standards, Drop Bears are extremely dangerous animals with many Australians fearing them more than they fear animals like Crocodiles, Venomous Snakes, Dingos, Venomous Spiders, and Emus.

As the previous fact suggests, Drop Bears can only be found in Australia, but they can only be found on the mainland and don't exist in places like Tasmania.

Despite being just a little bit larger than Koalas, they are much more powerful than they appear and have been known to chase larger predators off of carcasses.

Drop Bears are not picky when it comes to prey and will prey upon any animal that they come across.

They have almost no fear and that characteristic sometimes comes back to bite them as many of them end up being killed in brush fires.

Drop Bears usually give birth to triplets, but only one of the three will survive to adulthood. The other two will be devoured by the surviving sibling not long after they are big enough to eat solid food.

The ancestors of these vicious animals were around during the Pleistocene and they were much larger than their modern day descendants, easily capable of bringing down very large prey like Diprotodon and Procoptodon and taking on rivals predators like Megalania and Thylacoleo.

Drop Bears have a slightly venomous bite that isn't fatal to other animals, but does make them very weak and easy to bring down. They have the ability to control whether or not they inject this venom and they only use it when they are desperate.

They have a very high pain tolerance with many of them being observed taking several direct hits from firearms that didn't appear to slow them down any bit and a few have been seen not making any noises at all as they burned alive in bush fires.

Extra Fun Fact: The Australian Government once thought about sending the military to deal with a very large number of Drop Bears that were terrorizing a small forest, but decided otherwise after remembering the failure that was the Great Emu War of 1932.

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