B.2 Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

Alone in the infirmary room, Cethin sleeps soundly.
I sigh as I sit beside him, my heart aching.
"I did this to you..." I whisper, staring at his bandaged eyes.
My eyes fill with tears as I clench my fists.

"Stop crying, Chicky."
I look up as Cethin smirks, beginning to sit up.
His hand raising to touch the bandages on his eyes.
"Cethin! Don't move too much!" I quickly move, helping him to sit up.
I hold his hand to stop him from removing the bandages.
"I feel fine." Cethin snickers.
"Even still, I don't know how your body will react to my powers. I used a lot to save you, so you might be a bit weak."
Cethin shrugs.
He removes my hand from his, removing the bandages. His eyes slowly open as they adjust to the light.
I breathe a sigh of relief as he looks unharmed.
"I'm fine, see?" Cethin points at his eyes, snickering at his joke.
"Not funny."
"Eye think it is." Cethin laughs at his joke again.
I breathe a sigh of relief as I see him act like himself again.
"Are you hungry or thirsty?" I ask.
"Just thirsty."
I nod, walking over to the table.
I pour a glass of water, handing it to him. He downs the entire glass.
"Thanks." He places the glass on the side table beside him.
"Of course... Cethin, I need to know what happened." I furrow my brows as I sit back down.
Cethin purses his lips, averting his eyes from me.
"I used my ability..." He mutters.
"And? What happened to you?"
"Usually I can only see souls and auras, but when I looked into his eyes, it was like something else was looking back at me. I looked in, and saw the alleyway he took to get home and then it went black."
"You saw a picture?"
"Yeah. It was a clear picture, and exactly what he claimed he last remembered seeing. It went black and he was in there. It was cold and eery... I approached him thinking it was his soul, but it was muttering something. He kept saying help, help."
"He spoke in the most tired and drained voice I've heard... He turned around and screamed, it was a nightmare to see... It wasn't his soul, it was almost like he was in there himself. His eyes were missing, his ear was ripped off, and his face was cut up... And then I heard a whisper."
"What did the whisper say?"
"I can't remember... The next thing I knew, these long claws reached up behind me, and scratched my eyes. I searched in his soul, but the physical feeling of fingers stabbing through my eyes, and the pain I felt when I woke up-..." Cethin pauses, his face turning pale as he remembers the memory.
I place my hand on his lap, reassuring him.
"It's okay, that's all I need to know. You should get some rest." I stand, beginning to walk towards the door.
I turn as he calls out.
"It's not your fault, y'know... You were the one who saved me." He smiles kindly at me.

Though I should feel relieved he's forgiving and doesn't believe that I was at fault, the fallen bandages that hang down around his neck, the way he looks exhausted yet holds that kind pitying smile; makes me feel irritated.
I clench my fist, taking in a shallow breath.
"Your eyes... They were mutilated... The doctors said that your blood was pooling into your brain and would kill you... If I didn't have these powers, you would have been blind for the rest of your life, or dead... Could you honestly look at me and tell me you still wouldn't blame me if that were the case?" I smile, a lump growing in my throat.
Cethin's eyes widen.
He opens his mouth about to speak, yet no words come out.
I turn back around, placing my hand on the door knob.
"Even though you're fine now, the feeling, the pain, and the fear is still etched in you. You don't need to let me off easy when that'll stay for however long."
I speak the last thought on my mind, quickly leaving the room.

I sit in the field, listening to the sounds of knights training in the distance.
I sigh, staring at the grass.
My hand lights up with the golden haze as I hover it over a wilted dandelion.
The dandelion's colour instantly returns, growing to stand up straight.
I smile slightly as I admire the bright yellow dandelion.
My hand freezes, hovering over the dandelion still.
The haze returns, but as a dark gold colour as I stare at the flower.
The petals slowly begin to lose it's colours as I feel a thick heavy sensation hit my hand, until flowing through my arm to my chest.
Before all colour is lost, a sharp heavy weight hits my chest. A throbbing pain rushes through my head, as the intense pressure continues to grow in my chest.
I rip away my hand, taking a deep breath.
I stare at the dandelion slightly wilted, and barely alive.
"It works but at this kind of a price, huh?" I stare at my hand as my heart beats quickly.
I hover my hand over the dandelion again, returning life to it as I stand.
I sigh, staring up at the cloudy sky.
"Everyone around me is getting hurt... Can I really be ignorant to it?..." I whisper, thinking to myself.
I look over to see the golden palace in the distant.
Memories run through my mind as I stare at the lonesome, abandoned building.
The lives of all the other ladies in the harem, taken by Cabel. Kerin took his own life. Even the assassins all have experienced pain from being associated by me. Countless people injured or killed because of my relationship with Cabel, and even Duke Oslo's pain caused by Cabel and I.
"Ignorance is bliss... But why do I try to pretend it is?..." I whisper, sighing.

'Micheal... He was killed too... My parents too... But I'm not sad or happy about their deaths...'
I think to myself, closing my eyes as their faces come back to my mind.
My body shivers as a chill rushes down my spine. The memories of my family causing anxiety and fear to return.
I take a deep breath, holding myself in my arms as I try to calm down.

I turn to see Petunia and Riddle, walking from the direction of the training grounds.
"Hey..." I watch Riddle run up, Petunia jogging behind.
"What're you doing?" Riddle asks.
"Nothing, just wanted a breath of fresh air." I smile.
"Hm..." Riddle looks down at me.
"W-What is it?" I grow uncomfortable as I look back up at his watchful eyes.
"Get changed." Riddle pats my head.
I tilt my head, confused.

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