Meant to be apart

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Jin hyung rolled his eyes and got ready to answer

Jin : " Yeah she might have looked at him as if she liked him but after what and all this Mr. I-will-overreact-at-everything did and said to her I doubt she will still like him "

He said without realising that all 7 of us are here and it instantly put a deep frown on Yoongi hyung's face and he mercilessly started attacking his cereal

Poor cereal, having to put up with his tantrums

Everyone looked at him to see his aggressive reaction and Jin hyung immediately cleared his throat due to the awkwardness

Namjoon : " I still think she likes him, she's a very selfless and forgiving girl and I think she will understand him if he mans up and tries to speak with her about all this. "

He gave in his opinion which made everyone silent and ponder about it for a while. I sighed softly not wanting to gain the attention of others.

That's the whole problem, sometimes I hope Jihyo wasn't as selfless and understanding as she is now. Don't get me wrong I am happy that she is such a pure hearted person, in this world its very very rare to find anyone like her.

Sometimes I wish she will- like other people let out her anger, will try to place her points and not just worry about what other's opinion would be said. She needs to learn to not bottle up things and just say it in the face at that exact moment.

Yoongi : " Its not that I am not manning up, she doesn't give me a chance! I tried so much but she just wants to shut me off and stay away. "

He defends himself which momentarily breaks the silence that had filled in.

Jimin : " After all you said and did to her you expect her to come running into your arms when you finally realize you were being a jerk? what did you think? after a 2 month or so of hating her immensely without a reason you go say 'Hey Ji, sorry for being a a**hole I realized it wasn't your fault and it was mine please forgive me' then she will jump into your arms 'Its okay oppa, I understand' and then you two hug and live happily every after? "

He scoffed which made everyone except Yoongi Hyung snicker, he put on a deep frown

Yoongi : " Yeah I know it isn't that simple and I should do something more to gain her trust back. That's why I am trying hard okay?! "

He snapped causing us to shut up.

Taehyung : " What are you planning to do Hyung? "

He asked voicing out my thought.

Yoongi : " I don't know man, for now I am just messaging her in hopes she will reply soon but I need to do something faster. "

He sighed and we all fell in deep thought about what idea we can come up with.

Jin : " For now, lets not stress over it. We have our overseas schedules starting from tomorrow remember? We will be away for a month or so. Yoongi lets give Jihyo some space, make sure to message her your apology and keep it sincere. Let her take the time to think about it while we are away "

Dang I almost forgot we will be away for 1 whole month!

Everyone nodded in agreement to Jin hyung's advice and Yoongi Hyung didn't seem as happy to be reminded that we will have to be away. Maybe he was planning to do something in a few days to get back Jihyo but now he has to halt it all.

I empathize him, hopefully these two have a talk and sort it out slowly but surely.


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