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Tonz was advised, that his appearance at "Good Mornings with ACZ" will be a surprise. He tried so hard not to spill the secret earlier when he messaged Cie Cie.

When he was cued in, he knew  that she was really surprised.

"Good morning Tonz! Can you also greet Cie Cie, omg she's blushing!" the other host said.

"Hi everyone, I'm so glad that you've invited me here. Hi Cie Cie!" he said before he kissed her on the cheek.

The audience went wild! The floor directors had a hard time trying to contain the crowd's noise.

"So Tonz, how was it working with Cie Cie?" asked the main host.

"Cie Cie is very easy to work with, wala syang arte, whatever it is they ask her to do, she delivers. And can I just say this, she's really good and passionate with her craft." Tonz said, full of admiration.

"How did she help you? Since you're a new actor."

"She's very supportive, we would read lines together, and when I need to feel a certain emotion, she motivates me."

"How is the Cie Cie we see on our screens different from the Cie Cie that you know?"

"Cie Cie is very real, she's still the same person you see on TV and the same that I get to be with. She's simple, very kind, and passionate."

"Does it bother you that some guys has a crush on her?" the other host prodded.

"Does it bother me? I guess I can't blame them for having a crush on her, coz she's got everything that you'd want for a girlfriend."

The audience got giddy once again. Cie Cie just bowed her head, she could feel her face burning.

"Can you describe your ideal girl, Tonz?"

"My ideal girl is someone who is God-fearing, family-oriented, simple, selfless, and passionate about her career." Tonz said, while smiling brightly. The crowd erupted with "Cie Cie and Tonz endgame!"

"Wow, it's like you're describing the lady beside you. What do you think our dear audience?" the main host said.

"TonCie! TonCie! TonCie!"

"So going back to my question earlier, Tonz Gamboa, are you courting Cie Cie Martinez?"

The studio went really quiet, everyone seems to hold their breath. A few seconds of silence, then Tonz answered,

"We're really good friends and we're getting to know each other better. So let's just wait and see."

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