Tea And Treats

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"Please excuse me, I need to change. Jacinda, aren't you changing too?"

"Coming mama, excuse me Tonz."

Tonz was left alone. He heaved a sigh of relief. He was glad that he insisted to take Cie Cie home. Baby steps Tonz, he said to himself, and don't forget about clause number 3.

Cie Cie came back after sometime, she had showered and her citrusy shampoo tingles his nostrils. Her hair has been blow-dried and combed neatly. She changed into a simple pink dress, but to him, she looks like a queen. Pink looks good on her, it complements her milky white complexion. He can never run out of adjectives to describe her.

"Hey, would you like some tea?" she asked.

"Sure, pero to be honest, mas kilala ko yung milk tea." he said, while smiling sheepishly.

"OK lang, it's just Earl Grey. Would you like some honey?" she asked.

"Can you be my honey?" he joked.

"Ehem. Give him some scones Jacinda, our clouted cream is freshly made." Helena broke his pick-up line.

"Thank you ma'am."

"Call me tita, Tonz."

"Noted po tita."

Helena poured herself some tea, she sat on a wing chair across the couch where he and Jacinda sat. Though the two of them have maintained a distance, Helena kept eyeing them.

"Tonz, how's school?"

"School is good tita, I'm currently working on my thesis actually."

"Good to hear that. So I expect that both if you will be graduating next year?"

"Yes po. My parents are also expecting that."

"That's good. A degree is important and comes in handy, especially when you're in showbizness. You can always have a back up plan."

"I completely agree tita."

"Jacinda, did you check the tickets that Nicolo sent? I placed it in your work desk."

"Yes mama, I think it's for the game this Saturday."

"Why don't you invite Tonz?"

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