Cie Cie

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Monday came and went, but Tonz wasn't able to see Jacinda. He reasoned that he wanted to return her book, but at the back of his mind, he knew it's deeper than that.

He came home, ate dinner with his sister and retire to his bedroom early.

He decided to take a shower to clear his head. A certain intern has been occupying his mind rent free. Not that he's complaining, she's a beautiful distraction, especially on boring classes.

He was just watching a series (Queen's Gambit), when he decided to take a look at Jacinda's book.

It's an old copy of "Mayday Eve and other stories" by Nick Joaquin. He checked if it's a library book, but it's not. A message was written in the front page, "To my dearest Cie Cie, always be youthful and deliriously in love. Yours, Mamita." He smiled, he realized that it is a very personal book for Jacinda or Cie Cie rather. It renewed his interest to return it soon. While browsing, he saw bits and pieces of doodles and notes. Jacinda definitely perused this more than once. Some pages are dog-eared, while some were completely folded.

He was amused with the story "Mayday Eve" and felt a deja vu with the meeting of Agueda and Badoy. It was like the "carpark incident", both have wrong first impressions and very passionate female protagonist. What made him smile more is the little note by Cie Cie. "Badoy is a rascal, good thing Agueda put him in place." It shows that she's the type of person who will not tolerate injustice.

After reading some snippets from the book, Tonz felt that he was beginning to understand her more. He like this side of her, she seems more real, more human. Like someone you can easily talk to, someone who will listen and give you advise.

Before sleeping, he prayed that tomorrow will be a good day.

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