Point and Shoot

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Cie Cie came to the studio early, she needs to process everything first. She's now so used to being in the sidelines that she forgot how it is to be infront of the camera again.

Mackie introduced her to Kayla, their handler. She's already familiar with her, so she warmed up easily. The glam team came and started to do their magic on her. Tonz is still with the wardrobe team, there seems to be a problem with regards to some outfits.

Tonz was glad the wardrobe malfunction has been sorted out. He was called by Mackie, he was told that the glam team is now ready for him. As he was walking towards them, he saw Cie Cie sitting in the make up chair, she turned to wave at him. He stopped and was mesmerized by her beauty. It's the first time for him to see her all dolled up. Then it's as if everything was in slow-mo.

"Hey, did you have breakfast na?" she said casually.

"Uhmmm, yeah kanina sa bahay."

"They have coffee pala, kaso walang cold brew. I can buy if you want."

"Kaloka ka Jacinda este Cie Cie! Hindi ka intern ngayon, talent ka." said Mackie

"No thanks, I'm good na. And Mackie's right Cie Cie, today, you're a talent, just enjoy the day." he said while facing her. She tilted her head and smiled. Damn, she looks so cute.

Tonz looked around and saw that everyone was attentive with their conversation. Some are whispering and kilig is evident in their faces. He saw Mackie taking a candid photo of them.

The photoshoot went well. They really complement each other. Cie Cie is very professional and the camera loves both of them. No one will notice that she hasn't done this in a long time, because she owns every frame and angle. She's a natural, someone born for greatness and stardom. Tonz couldn't help but feel inspired, he feels blessed to be working with such a passionate actress. And as he promised his mom, this partnership will go beyond the camera.

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