Kid At Heart

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Tonz laughed when Cie Cie grabbed him to line up. She's like a kid, trying her first ferris wheel ride.

"When was the last time you rode a ferris wheel?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe a couple of years ago."

They were the only people in a gondola. It slowly ascend and you could see the sky turning orange. The sea is calm, you can see people walking, laughing and eating. But he was more focused on Jacinda.

He like how the orangey ray of sun touches her skin. She's like a painting, a masterpiece. He can't remember if he'd ever felt this before.

"Don't you just love sunsets, Tonz? It brings hope, di ba?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Some say it's romantic too."

"Hmmm... You could say that. Have you watched, the Before Trilogy?"

"My sisters made me watch Before Sunset..."

"Happiness is in doing, not in getting what you want."

"And she can quote an old movie, plus points to you."

"Well, it's one of my favorite movies."

"You should definitely meet my sisters, they like to cry over  movies like that."

"Good thing they've got taste, unlike some people..."

"Woah, don't judge my movie preference."

"Star Wars..." she taunted

"How did you know?" he was surprised that she knew.

She couldn't look at him, she bowed her head, trying to cover her blushing face.

The ride stopped. He got off first, he tried to help her alight, but she refused. She walked ahead of him.

"Cie Cie wait." he grabbed her hand, both of them felt the frisson again. She looked at there intertwined hands.


"Uhm, let's eat?" he said, just so he could break the tension.

"Pizza?" she said, while slowly retracting her hand.

"OK, but after dinner, can I drive you home?" he said with matching puppy dog eyes.

"Ok, sana lang di out of way."

"Kahit sa Laguna pa yan."

"Sorry, Antipolo po."

His jaw dropped, "Are you serious?"

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