Look Test

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After a quick, natural light photoshoot at the helipad, Tonz was ushered to studio 2 for hair and make-up. The team advised him to just wear a white shirt and denim jeans for today. They want to keep it simple and fuss free. They want to focus on the chemistry between him and the other talents.

The team and Ms. Dessa were already seated behind the cameras. Mackie called the first auditionee, she's one of the network's up coming stars. They took a few photos, after that, he can see Ms. Dessa shaking her head. They called in talent after talent, and it went on for hours. Tonz can feel his jaw getting numb, maybe from excessive smiling. They only stopped when Ms. Dessa called for a break. He checked his watch, he didn't realize that it's been 4 hours since they've started.

He was ushered to an empty table, his food and drinks were already served. He ate with gusto. He saw the team eating at the other table, heads close together. They're  probably discussing the look test, Tonz said to himself.

He checked his phone, browsed through his social media, then decided to stretch his legs for a bit. He informed Mackie that he'll just freshen up. While walking on the hallway, he bumped into Jacinda. She's struggling with 2 big paper bags bearing the logo of a famous coffee shop.

"Let me help you." he heard himself say.

Jacinda looked up, and met his gaze for the first time since his audition. She just nodded her head. He followed her back to studio 2.

"Thank you." was all she muttered after taking the bag from him. Their hands touched for a bit. He felt a little tingle passed between them. She seemed to have felt it too, because she hurriedly turned her back from him.

"Tonz, we will resume in 15 minutes daw sabi ni Ms. O." Mackie said, breaking the spell between him and Jacinda.

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