Safe Haven

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Jacinda's family safely landed in Clark International Airport. Darwin, her dad's personal assistant, arranged for them to take their private plane traversing North. They arrived at the family's bastion in less than an hour. The horses are nowhere to be seen, so Cie Cie assumed that their arrival won't be a surprise.

Two 4x4 vehicles were delegated as their service. And two men riding horses welcomed them.

"Naimbag a malem, kumusta?"

"Manong, naimbag a malem. We had a safe flight but a bit jet lagged."

"That's why we prefer horses. Come on, let's go home."

Jacinda feel the warmth of familial ties again. Home is Casa Ortega, and her uncles, aunts and numerous cousins. This is were she battled her depression. This was, and will always be, her safe haven.

The old house has been renovated for many times now, but what remains of the original structure is the main level, with its coral stones, typical in the old times.

They were greeted warmly by the whole family. By the moment the elders retire to their respective rooms, the hermanas immediately ushered Cie Cie to their Casita.

"We missed you Jacinda! We barely see each other in Manila." her ate Bettina pouted.

"Paano busy sya, matampuhin ka talaga Betty, if I know busy ka din naman kay GAB!" her ate G aka Georgina defended her.

"Give her time to rest OK, malayo byahe nila." Cassandra, the peacemaker said.

"Correct Sassy, beauty rest now more chika later. And we'll tell them to bring you warm milk, it works wonders." Carrie, the eldest said.

After they left her room, she spray eagle herself on the four poster bed. She slept soundly, forgetting her worries.

Tonz was getting worried, he hasn't heard from Cie Cie for almost 12 hours. He keep reminding himself that she might be on a plane, but he still couldn't keep thinking about her, and their last conversation.

To be honest, he didn't know what got into him, he wasn't suppose to say that word, might be a Freudian slip or something. He was also surprised that she thanked him. It gave him hope actually, because she didn't dismiss him or pretended not to hear what he said.

He called her, just to check and also for his peace of mind. But her phone is out of reach. He paced back and forth in his room. Not knowing what to do, he approached his mom and asked for help.

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