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Tonz woke up late, he checked his alarm clock and it read, 10:00 A.M. He got his phone and greeted Cie Cie a good day. He went downstairs, everyone seems to have slept in too. Manang Juaning prepared molo soup and some freshly baked rolls. She even made tsokolate de batirol.

"Maayong adlaw Tonito. How was your sleep?" his mom asked.

He gave her a peck on the cheek before answering, "Maayong adlaw mom, I slept like a log. I guess I really missed my bed."

"You missed the fresh air son, and I'm sure you also missed Manang Juaning's cooking."

"Yeah, I'm really starving. Still the best molo soup in Iloilo!"

Manang smiled at him. He ate a second helping of everything. He asked if he could ride his bike in to the plaza. He promised to come back for lunch.

The good thing about their city is the bike lane, it's very friendly for two wheel drives, and you also get to exercise.

He visited the cathedral and offered a prayer. He strolled at the plaza, it's a chill day and he just watch people pass by. He received a message from sir Ken, he was told that the TVC is already out. He checked it in YouTube and he must admit that, for a one day shoot, it was nice. He checked the comments and his brows furrowed, some people are shipping him with Arissa Dela Rama!

He knows that he shouldn't bother her while on vacation, but he want to appease her. Just in case this things reach her.

He called her via viber, she answered after 3 rings.

"Hi Cie Cie, how are you?"

"Tonz, what's up? Sorry I overslept."

"Uhm, have you checked your socmed?"

"No not really, why? Is there a problem?

"I'm sorry, uhhm, the tvc airs today and some people are shipping me with the other model."


"I'm really sorry, I promise I'll clear this out."

"It's OK, no worries Tonz. It's work and I trust you naman."

"Thank you, thank you. I just don't want this to cause a misunderstanding between us and the supporters. Fanwars are the last thing that we need right now."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"By the way, I lit a candle for us. For the success of our projects."

"Thanks Tonz. I really appreciate your gesture. Don't worry, I trust you. Anyway, got to go. Bye."

"Bye, take care."

Project: Perfect Loveteam (Book One) Where stories live. Discover now