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Jacinda was not surprised that both parents were not joining them for dinner. So instead of eating at the hotel's restaurant, they ordered room service. Feeling a bit rebellious, she gave in with her brothers' requests. So they are having pizza, Buffalo wings, nachos and milkshakes for dinner. They eat at their suite's living room, infront of the huge TV screen.

They were in the middle of a Disney movie marathon when she posted her photo in socmed. After a few minutes, her phone almost burst with notifications. She liked a particular comment, it was from Tonz. She also read some tweets, their "Sunnies" are becoming more and more active each day. She's glad that through their passion, they can make people happy.

After Toy Story 4, they played The Little Mermaid, her brothers knows that it has a soft spot in her heart. While watching Ursula and Ariel's little pact, she couldn't help but remember CN3. She shook her head. She shouldn't dwell on those things. Whatever this feeling that he stirs, should stop, even before it begins.

Tonz got home for lunch, after eating, they were able to watch his TVC. Everyone was happy for him. He excused himself to shower, then he just hang out in his room, trying to play his old guitar. He didn't realize that he slept. He woke up, checked his phone and found Cie Cie's post. He immediately liked it and commented. Their supporters became active and he can see that they're happy with their little interaction. Their handler, Ms. Kayla even messaged them in their viber GC, "Miss nyo na each other?"

He wanted to just laughed it off, but when he saw her reply in his comment, he felt something, he do miss her, but he can't admit it, not to anyone, especially not to her.

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